:WAlt-OEFICE, Jan. Regt. of Light Brags.--.Capt... A .Grant,:froarhalfpay • Heat, to be Capt. vice Brevet Major J..11.. 111.11ale1 who exchanges ; Lieut. IL Wood be Capt..-by par., vice,thantesvho retires tt Cornet LH-White-to-be:Lieut. hypes. ,xiee.Wood. 3d Root-rEusign A Pope .to be Adjt. vice. Mackenzie, who,resigni the ..liflititantey. only. 18th Foot—Capt. A-Horrow, from the Cape Mounted Riflemen;-to -be Capt. vice: lienymn.aliarenehanges ; .Capt. J. Coriaick, from the'40th-F-oet, to be Capt. vice.Graves, who exchanges. 22/1 Foot—Lieut. A.C. II. Parks, 4ram-the 75th 'Root, to be Lieut. VIGO Butt, who exchanges. 3Oth F.00t—kW4.P.,..?..Maekestey,.Gent. -to bei Assist.-Surg. 40th Foot—Capt. AM: Graces, from -the 18th Foot,. to be Capt.
Nice Cormick, 'who exchanges. 41st, Boot -;Assist..-Surg.. Swettenham -from:the &Mc tabe Assist.,Snre-. . 47th Foot—Assist-Burg:Z. S. 'Richardson, from :.-be Staff, to be-Assist--Surg. : 49th Foot—Assist:-Surg. W. W. Meld.,.from theetaff, .todie Assist:-Surg. --50th Foot—Lieut. air.r. Gray, frant,the /OM Foot; to- be -Lieut. --Nice Betters, who exchanges: .-64th Foot--,Lieut.- F.. Face -to be:Capt. by par. vice -:-NeviRe, appointed to the Seats Fusilier Guards. 61st Foot ....ABMs W.Aaristate. M.D.4rom the Staff, to Aasist,Surg. vice LiteAs;-clee. -70th Boot--;Lieut. W: Bet" era, from the 50th Footitmbe•Lieut. vsee.Grayerho exchanges. -iVitbIloot-li.Lient.
A. J. B. L. Butt, from the 22d Foot, to be Lieut. vice Parks, who exchanges. 89th Foot-Brevet-Major J. Graham to be Major, without purchase, vice E. Kenny, who retires upon full pay ; Lieut. R. B. Hawley to be Capt. vice Graham. 93d Foot- Ensign J. B. Bannatyne to be Limit, without purchase, vice Macdonald, appointed Adjt. •' Lieut. W. D. Macdonald to he Adjt. vice Hartle, promoted in the 2d West IndiaReg,iment. 1st West India Regt.-.G. Peacocke, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Wall, ap- pointed to the Staff. 2d West India Regt.-Lieut. J. F. A. Hartle, from the 93d Foot, to be Capt. without purchase, vice Glubb, appointed to the 44th Foot. Cape Mounted Riflemen-Capt. A. P. Kenyon, from the 18th Foot, to be Capt. vice Borrow, who exchanges.
Hospital Staff-R. E. Fitzgibbon, Gent, to be Assist-Surg. to the Forces ; D. C. Wodsworth, Gent, to be Assist-Surg. to the Forces, vice Briscoe, appointed to the 61st Foot; W. S. Murray, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Richardson, appointed to the 47th Foot ; W. Armstrong, Gent, to be Assist.-Sur'. to the Forces, vice Swet- tenham, appointed to the 41st Foot; Assist.-Surg. T. F. Wall, from the 1st West India Regt. to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces' vice Weld, appointed to the 49th Foot.
Brevet-Capt. J. Great, of the 3d Light Dtags, to be Major in the Army,