11 JANUARY 1851, Page 20


Tuesday, January 7. Paterszamurs DISSOLTED.-Reid and Co. Three Cranes Wharf, Upper Thames Street, commission-agents-Boardman and Willson, Manchester, sharebrokers- J. and P. Thomas, Ciswestry, Shropshire, grocers-Bright and Co. Birmingham, saddlers-W. P. and J. Spencer, Wolverhampton. grocers-H. and G. Valiance, Bristol, brewers ; as far as regmds C. Vallance-J. and J. Bird, Seymour Place, Bryanston Square, bricklayers-Miall Brothers, Portsea, plumbers ; as far as regards S. Miall-Towler and Co. Norwich, merchants ; as far as regards P. Hoar-Hall and Pickles, Manchester, iron-merchants ; as far as regards G. Hall-Vernon and Co. Tewkesbury, rectifiers-Poulton and Webb, Luton, Bedfordshire, straw- hit-manufacturers-Page and Coleman, Gresham Street:furriers-J. and J. Holland, Harleston, Cheshire, farmers-Spark and Shaw, Leeds, ironfounders-Marsh and Co. York, cahinet.makers-Burdett and Newcomb, Stamford, surgeons-Phillips and Co. Cardiff', wine-merchants-Rennie and Co. Bradford, stuff-merchants-J. and J. Fulford, Birmingham, brewers-Wadham and Soper, Liverpool, commission-agents - Clark and Scorrer. Hull, stonemasons-Broadhurst and Co. Mincing Lane, colonial- brokers; as far as regards A. W. Broadhurst-Freeman and Co. Norwich, up- holsterers ; as far as regards A. Freeman-Hood and Sons, York mid Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire, wine-merchants-Wren and Bennett, Manchester, millwrights ; as far as regards W. Bennett-Baxter and Bates, Leicester, hosiers-Cort and Bell, Leicester, engineers-Fitton and Illingworth, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, joiners- Gardner and Poulson Warwick Street, Golden Square, jewellers-G. and J. H.


Rawl!, St. ary Axe, Poulson, and Getting. Aldermanbury, importers of fo-

reign fancy goods-Reid and Co. Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-merchants-Hug,gett and Son, Lewes, Sussex, bootmakers-Wallace and Co. Peterhead.


BeicirauPrs.-Msrrnew and Ls-sem-or ROWLANDSON, Whitechapel Road, drapers, to surrender Jan. 17, Feb. 22: solicitors, Sole and Turner, Aldermanbury; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-RA.1.ra Hums, Downbam, Isle of Ely, grocer, Jan. 14, Feb. 18: solicitors, Pickering and Co. Lincoln's Inn; T. and G. Archei., Ely; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Jetta Burros, King Ed- ward Road, Hackney, insurance-broker, Jan. 17, Feb. 21: solicitor, Cotterill, Throg- morton Street; official assignee, Canntut Birchin Lane-Citunrs LIGHTFOOT, Tor- quay;livery-stable-keeper, Jan. 15, Feb. 11: solicitors, Carter, Torquay; Stogdon, Exeter.; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-GEORGE Furrows. Amster, Sheffield, hosier, Jan. 25, Feb. 15; solicitors, bole and Yeomans, Sheffield ; official assignee, Freeman, Sheffield-Ass ROYSTON. Chorlton-upon-Medlock, brewer, Jan. 22, Feb. 11: solicitor, Sutton, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-Jails DALE HARWOOD, Liverpool, ironmonger, Jan. 16, Feb. 13: solicitor, Pemberton, Liver- pool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool.

Daum-stns.-Jan. 25, Samuel, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, silversmith-Jan. 28, Pattenden, Oxford, woollen-dmper-Jan. 23, Brown, Sunderland, brewer. CuarrricArr.s.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of

• meeting.-Jan. 29, Baker, Alton, Hampshire, auctioneer-Jan. 30, Binder, Ossett, Essex builder-Jan. 30, Walker, Philpot loane, merchant-Ian. 30, Jolley, Farring- don

Essex, fruit-salesman-Jan. 29, Langford, Southampton, grocer-Jan. 20, flliackel, Canning Place, Old Street, bacon-merchant-Jan. 29, Bennistjunior, Lang- ley Green, Worcestershire, brickmaker.

DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDES/M.-Mills, Hove, Sussex, broker; first div. of 4s. Jan. 7, or any subsequent Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Russell, Ashford, saddler; second div, of lid. Jan. 9, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Nunn, Colchester, tailor; first div. of 4s. 3d. Jan. 9, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Dows, Newbury, corn-dealer ; first die. of 24. Jan. 9, - and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Sanders, Manor Place, King's Road, Chelsea; first div. of 3d. Jan. 9, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Rougemont, Broad Street Buildings, merchant; fourth div. of Is. 7d. on Thursday next, or three subse- qaeut Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Spiller, St. John's Wood Terrace, sla- ter; first div. of 5d. on Thursday next, or three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Leach, Newmarket, tailor ; first div. of 5z. 6d. on Thursday next, or three subsequent Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Cove, Hornchurch, Es- sex, builder; first div. df Is. on Thursday next, or three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Keir, North Cave, Yorkshire, wool-merchant ; second die. of la. 8d. Jan. 7, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Carrick, Hull. SCOTCH SECIIIESTRATIONIL-Archibald Brothers, Keilarsbrac, Alloa, manufacturers, Jan. 13, Feb. 4-Brown, Granton, Edinburgh, iron-merchant, Jan. 10, 31-Strathern, Glasgow, commission-agent, Jan. 11, Feb. 1-Cleland and Co. Glasgow, ironfounders, Jan. 13, Feb. 3.

_Friday, January 10. Psularrusuirs DISSOLVED.-Wade and Co. Sheffield, manufacturers of table- knives; as far as regards R. Wade and J. Rowbotham-Hill and Dyer, Boston, wine- rnerchants-Eccles and Co. Hull, grocers-George and Co. Woolwich, leather-sellers -Hurst and Crompton, Bolton-le-Moors, joiners-Ainsworth and Co. Stockton-on- Tees, earthenware-manufacturers-Ade and Jones, Oxford Street, linen-drapers- Walker and Son, Leeds, merchants-Cox and Teague. Gloucester, painters-Godeell and Son, Regent Street, hosiers-T. and W. Bowtell, Strand--Browne and Nicholls, Liverpool, merchants-Hutchinson and Son, Lower Shad well, sailmakers--Dugdale and Son, Ramsbottom, Lancashire, cloggers-R. and P. lbotson, Stanwell, Middlesex, paper-manufacturers-W. and J. Dunlop, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, joiners-Arson and Co. Manchester, joiners ; as far as regards W. Taylor-Shebbeare and WIntyre, Odiham ,surgeons-Raweliffe and Horner, Rishworth Mills, Halifax, corn-millers- Stucke and Co. Argyle Street, tailors ; as far as regards H. Stucke.-Parker and Vasty, Liverpool, milliners-Bartram and Co. Sheffield, powder-flask manufac- turers-Hillary and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, delvers; as far as regards J. Glover -Gray and Ca. Manchester, merchants-Bodoano and Co. Manchester, shipping merchants-Blunden and Rolfe, Sudbury, auctioneers-Hayman and Co. Clifton, builders-Saunders and Bird, Kidderminster, attornies-Elks and Ragsdale, Strand, hosiers-Symes and Co. Fenchurch Street, attornies-Llewellyn and Co. Llanwonno, Glamorganshire, chemical manufacturers-Wilkinson and Dob- son, Piccadilly, silversmiths--Thompson and Co. Liverpool, plumbers-Grey and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tine, ship-brokers-Payne and Cleveland, Leicester, newspaper proprietors-H. B. and J. F. Quick, Liverpool, jewellers-Collins and Boshier, Bath -Lewis and Hodgett. Walcot, brass-founders-Clough and Atkinson, Bradford, Yorkshire, grocers-Bates and Holiday, Welbeck Street, auctioneers-Anderson and Co. Glasgow, warehousemen. Rsiumtorrs.-Tuostas TOYNBEE, University Street, Tottenham Court Road, horse- deakr, to surrender Jan. 24, Feb. 21: solicitors, Lawrence and Flews, Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Carman, Birchin Lane-ALFRED WILISHER, South Is- land Place, Clapham Road, livery-stable-keeper, Jan. 17, Feb. 21: solicitor, Jones, Quality Court, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Whiimore, Basinghall Street-At- STIED Mocutz, South Wharf, Paddington, stone-merchant, Jan. 21, Feb. 21 :solicitor, Vaughan, Porteus Road, Paddington; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street .-Jraim Swint Kent Place, Ord Kent Road, cheesemonger, Jan. 22, Feb. 18: solicitors, Hilleary, Fetchurch Street; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane- Wittiest CAVE CRANWELL, Ely, potato-merchant, Jan. 24, Feb. 18: solicitors, Pick- ering and Co. Lincoln's Inn; Archer, Ely ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane -CHARLES GEORGE Joszs, Elizabeth Street, Hans Place, victualler, Jan. 21, Feb. 18: solicitor, Grainger. Bucklersbury; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court- /lass CROSBY, Burnley, linendraper, Jan. 23, Feb. 14: solicitors, Sale and Co. Man- chester; official assignee, Mackenzie, Manchester-Geoaoe THOBAS ROLLABON, Bir- mingham, china-dealer, Jan. 22, Feb. 19: solicitors, Motteram and Co. Birmingham; Wright, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. DWIDENDS.-Jan. 31, Honiball, Ingram Court, Fenchureh Street, anchor-manufac-

turer-Jan. 31, Sothers and Perrit, Gravesend, grocers-Jan. 31, Abbott, jun. Bet, mondsey Street, patent-air-felt-manufacturer-Jan. 31, Fluder, Ramsey, Southamp. ton, timber-merchant-Jan. 31, Ball, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street. merchant-Jan, 31, Andrews, Kinmsbuty Green, -victualler-Feb. 1, Jackson, Lichfield, wine-met. chant-Feb. 3, Dribbes, Askern, Yorkshire, innkeeper-Feb. 3, Threlfall, Adding. ham, Yorkshire, cotton-spinner--Feb. 3, Thurstan, Cheltenham, innkeeper-Feb. 5, Mitchell, Cardiff, draper-Feb. 3, Procter, Manchester, cotton-dealer.

CERTIFICATE8.-TD be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Jan. 31, Woods, Prospect Place, Wandsworth Road, builder-Feb. 4, Devey, Cornhill, cook-Feb. 4, King, Gravesend, draper-Feb. 3, Simpson, Man- chester, starch-manufacturer-Feb. 5, Huse, Stockport, draper--Feb. 3,

Bilston, grocer-Jan. 31, Haley, Dewsbury, machine-maker. .

Domani:moss OF Divinesns.-Walford, Great Winchester 'Street, merchant ; final div, of lid. Jan. 14, or any subsequent Tuemlav ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers -Gardener, Rayleigh, Essex, grocer • first die: of 5.s..Fuiy Wednesday; Whitmore. Basinghall Street-Kaye, Pimlico c'oal-inercbaut ; . first die. of 4s.,3ei, any Wednes- day; Whitmore, Basil-1,11ml' SIreei779,kownd, Wisbetieli, draper ;, firat div. of 8z. ed. any Wednesday; Whitmore, l5a5aughan atreat--Caliett,..Lintabes Inn Fields, at- torney: second div. of 2i. lid. any Wednesday; Whitmire, Basinghall Street. . Storm SynemerakeroSs.-Menzies, Aberfehly, Perthshire, hotel-keeper, Jett 18, Feb. 6-Booth, Row, Dumbartonshire, merchant Itut,'18;,:Feli:' 8-jaw; Burnt broom, Lanarkshire, farmer, Jan. 16, Feb. 6-,./iPlienzie, R&ntonliZ tile"-manufac. turer, Jan. 17, Feb. 7-Tait, Braadhaugh, Chirnsidc, Berwick,o.farmee, Jim.. 17, Feb. 12 -Little, Borgne, Kirkcudbrightshire, cattle-dealer, Jen.115,.Feb. 5.