During. the past week some further results of new life business in 1934 have been announced 'by Insurance Com- panies, and in practically all cases the figures are excellent. It appears that the Royal Exchange Assurance, issued during the year 6,376 life policies assuring 13,990,253. The amount,' 'after deducting reassurances; was £3,748,263, showing an increase of £742,042 over the net figure for 1933.
The Eagle Star and British Dominions Insurance Company issued 2,497 policies during the year; the net sums assured are £2,404,263, representing an increase of £113,802, corn-. pared with 1933. The new assurances effected with the Refuge Assurance Company, Limited, in the ordinary branch for last year amounted to £8,404,729, as against £6,922,651 in 1933.
The Royal Insurance Company, Limited, announce that during last year 7,210 new life policies were issued for £4,968,000, the net amount, after deducting reassurances, was £4,623,000, being an increase of. £829,000 over the net figures for 1938.