Cures for Hysteria
Bob is very proud of his dogs, two dun-coloured whippets. He poaches with them in the dark, and although they may be missing for a considerable time, when they return they bring whatever they have caught and lay it at his feet. A short walk at night, he tells me, hardly ever fails to produce three or four rabbits. When I complimented him on the sleek condition of his helpers, he said I deserved some of the credit, for I had given him the hysteria remedy earlier in the year. I remember he called asking for leaves of a plant I only know as "rabbit's ear," saying he wanted to make a brew for his dogs. It seems this is an old cure for the complaint. The other favoured remedy for all ills, in both children and dogs in this part ot the world, is asafoetida, which has such an odour that it frightens, the sick into health.