11 JULY 1829, Page 14


PtmtTNEmtsmtip14 DISSOLvEn.-Lea, Wilson, and Co. Old Jewry, silk-manufacturers-- Woodward and Morton, Kidderminster and Holborn-hill, carpet-manufacturers- Bounds and Eplett, Bristol, ship-joiners-Wheeler and Bacon, Orme-square, Bayswater, surgeons-Dickson and Kent, Wilson-street, Finsbury-square, silk-manufacturers- Shewring and Veysie, Bath, shae-makers-Deeley and Waketnan, Birmingham, lantern- horn-manufacturers-Spensley and Lynch, Alclermanbury-liodges and Lambert, Mer- thyrtytitil, Glamurganshire, ironmongers-J. and D. Drakeford, Manchester, silk-brokers -Marsh and Co. Burslem, staffordsidre, earthenware-mann fatenrers-Thorapson and Crowther, Wavertree and Great Wootton, Lancashire, stone-trulemiS-Veitch, Cmvan, and Milnee, Beek-works, Nottinghamshire, and St. John-street, West Smithfield, fen- der-manefauturers ; as far as regards Velteh-Moore and Noble, Preston, Lancashire, surgeons-Palmer inul Cross, Liverpool, tea-dealers-H. and T. Wicks, St. John-street -Stevenson and Thomson, Edinburgh, haberdashers-Stocker and Harvey, Bristol, patten-ring-manufacturers-R. and F. Theakstone, Liverpool-King and :Man, London, conintissiondnerchants-Butler and Roulwell, St. Ives, boot and shoe-makers-It. Tay- lor, sett. Bewley, and IL Taylor, jun. Cunning-cross, boot-makers ; as far as regards R. Taylor, sen.-Adains and Edridge, Haymarket, coach-makers-Crustield and Bullock, Newport, Monniontliehire, provision-merchants-Houghtoa and Co. Liverpool, timber- merchants-Heywood and Howson, Blanchester, calenderers-Lockwood and Co. Mor- riston, Glamorganshire, carriers by VallS-Bonhote and Greenway, Villiers-wharf, Strand, coal-merchants.

SUPERSEDED.-E. surrn, Cheltenham, silk-mercer-S. Cooema, High-street, Wapping, victualler-W. B 0 NUr4, NVare, innkeeper.

71:1NKRUPTs.-[To surrender at the Baal:runts' Court, Basinzhall-st ro.t.] -E. B. ;old J. CRAIG, Cheated de, linen-drapers, Jnly 17, a8, Aug. 18 : solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, New- gate-street-It. MOTT, Newington-Causeway, tailor„1 illy 10, 14, Aug. IS: solicitor, Mr. Blake, Essex-street, Strancl-E. DIUTLoW, Leon-do:Her, linen-draper, July 10, 21, Aug. 18 : solicitor, Mr. Barry, old Jewry-J. P. BE xxeler, Union-court, Broad-streetoner- chant, July hO, 21, Aug. IS: solicitor, Mr. Coombe, Tottenhotme-yard-G. Hearaerr, Reading, corlifackw, July 9.1, 17, Aug. 18 : solicitors, Perkins and Frampton, Gray's-inu- square-E. 'l'vaE 1, Brownlow-street, Drury-lane, victualler, July 10, 21, Aug. 18 soh- eitors, Evane and Ilarpur, Kennington-cross-E. Ai.out Ell, Milk-street, Cheapsule, warehouseman, July 10, 17, Ang. 15 : solicitor, Mr. Phipps, Weavers'-hall, Basiughall- street-It. RiDLEY, Brighton, hat-maker, July 14, 17, Aug. 18 : solicitor, Mr. !Trough, Fleet-street-M. Citattlies and 'I'. Butt !tows, Duke-street, Westminster, tailors, July 10, 17, Aug. IS: solicitor, 31r. Taylor, Great James.street, Bedford-row-J. Gli.13Etvr, High-street, Southwark, hosier, July 14, 21, Aug. IS: solicitors, Hamilton and Twining, Berwick-street, Soho.

BANKRUPTS.-ETO surrender in the Country.]-J. TWEMLOW, Hatherton, Cheshire, maltster, July 29, 30, Aug. 15 solicitors, Rosser and Son, Gray's-inn-place-W. HAR- RISON, Cover-hill, within Saddleworth, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth-manufacturer, July 24, 23, Aug. 18: solicitor, Mr. Scott, Lincoln's-inn-fields-J. B.U..NELL, Keswick, mercer, July 16, 17, Aug. 15: solicitor, Mr. Addison, Verulam-buildinge, Gray's-inn-J. and It. Sheepridge, Yorkshire, fancy-manufacturers, July n;, 28, Aug. IS : solicitor, Strangwayes and NValker, Barnard's-inn-T. KELS HAW, Liverpool, merchant, July IS, Aug. IS: solicitors, Taylor and Roscoe, Temple-W. F. BRADDRIDGE, Liverivol, linen-draper, July 28, 29, Aug. 18: eolicitors, Taylor ad Roscoe, Temple-R. ills,. Quorndon, Leicestershire, baker, July 16, IS, Aug. 15: solicitors, Norris and Co. John- street, 13erlford-row-T. E v En ILL, Worcester, Leghorn hat-manufacturer, July 22.. al, Aug. 18 : solicitor, Mr. Becke, Devonshire-street, Queen-square-G. ATKINsON, j1111. setacoates, Yorkshire, grocer, July 16, 17, Aug. 18: solicitor, Mr. SbaW, Ely-plare, 110,1- born-J. STEyExs, Birmingham, grocer, July 20, 21, Aug. IS: solicitors, Swain and Co. Frederick's-place, Old Jewry-J. PI le es ON, Great Yarmouth, boat-builder, July 2,, 28> Aug. 15: solicitor, Mr. Austin, South-square, Gray's-inn. I vin N I S -July 30, Griggs, jun. Eltham, farmer-July 31, Smith, sett. Burgh-in-the


Marsh, Lincolnshire, grocer-July 28, A. C. and W. Marsh, Great Scotland-yard, navy- atgents-July 28, Dodgem' and Hartley, Cheapside, warehousemen-July 28, II. and W. Ryland, Savage-gardens, corzt-factors-J uly 25, Cass, Kennington-lane, schoolmistress- Aug. 1, Powell, Cheltenham, coach-builder-July 29, Bolton, Banbury, and Bolton, Grimsbury, coal-merchants-Aug. 1, Jepson, Heaton-Norris, Lani7aellire, common.- brewer-Aug. 3, Wilcox, Madeley-wood, Shropshire, grocer-.Tuly 31, Phillips, Tavistock- street, Covent-garden, lillen-draper-Aug.3, Cope, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, grocer-illy 25, Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Paternostes-row, booksellers-July 28, Grunwell, Jun, Leeds, cheesemonger—July 14, Fauntleroy, Berners-street, banker—July 28, Munk. house and Gorman, London, merchants—July 29, Heald, Grenada-place, Kent-road, merchant—July 21, Daniell, Lime-street, provision-merchant—July 31, Thompson, Globe•stairs, Rotherhithe, ship-builder—July 28, Newman, Clerkenwell, brewer—July 2S, Harris, King-street, Soho, linen-draper—July 30, Foster, Knaresborough, timber- merchant—July 28, J., T., and S. Shaw, Almondbury. fancy-cloth-manufacturers—July 30, Kaye, Almondbury, fancy-cloth-manufacturer—July 39, Dickenson, Almundbuqa, fancy-cloth-manufacturer—July 28, J. Goodwin, Scawby, Lincolnshire, farmer.

CERTIFICATES to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 29.—Knight, Finsbury-place, South, clruggist—Nixey, Oxford-street, hosier—Coburn, Witney, wooLstapler—Howell, Walsingham-place, Lambeth, merchant.

Friday, July 10.

PA RTNErts uses DuSSOLVED.—Gee and Bridges, Cambridge, booksellers—Mansbridge and Saunders, Lamb's Conduit-street, grocers—Lamb and Wrightson, Swindon, Wilt-

shire, drapers—W. and T. Richardson, Liverpool, cutlers—Hartley and Son, Sutton, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners—Waylen and Co. Devizes, crape-manufacturers—Turpin and Royce, Charlotte-row, Rotherhithe, butchers—Lockwood and Co. Morriston, Gla- morganshire, as the Penyvilia Vein Cninpany—BentrAt and Co. Cannon-street, tea- dealers—Crossland and Clarke, Sheflield, builders—King and Rance, White Lion-street, Pentonville, tailors—Clarke and Doubleday, Fen-court, Fenchurch-street, tea-agents- Gardner and Greenwood, Salford, silk.dyers—Buckley and Broadbent, Oldham, cotton- spinners—Smith and Jackson, Montagu-street, Portman-square, tailors—T. S. and T. Capel, Bridewell-Precinct, coal-merchants—W. Grant, jun. and S. Prossor, Portsmouth, general-merchants.

BANKRUPTCIEs SUPERSEDED.—F. WrATT, Marlow, coach-proprietor—C.BRooks, Tunbridge, linen-draper.

13ANERUPTS.—[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, BasinghalLstreet.] —C. SMITH, Pliienix-wharf, London, coal-merchant, July 17, 31, Aug. 21 : solicitor, Mr. Teague, Cat:non-street, City—J. CLAREE, Regent-street, linen-draper, July 14, 24, Aug. 21: so- Meter, Mr. Ashuret, Newgate-street—R. S. Pa ET v 31.■N, Regent-circus, Oxford-street, linen-draper, July 17, :31, Aug. 21 : solicitor, Mr. Lovell, South-square, Gray's-inn—S.

Lee, Church-row, Newington, master-mariner, July 17, 24, Aug. 2!: solicitors, Messrs. Stevens and Co. St. Thomas-Apostle-11. KNowLEs, haul-Cross, Sussex, common.car- rier, July 21, 2.1, Aug. 21: solicitor, Mr. Rigley, Cateaton-street.

BANKIturTS.—[TO surrender in the Country.]—.J. Bu Wee a, Petworth, scrivener, July 20, 21, Aug. 21 : solicitor, Mr. Blackmore, Raymond's-buildings, Gray's-inn—J.

PEI :I SDN, Bolton-le-Moors, linendraper, Aug. 4, 5, 21: solicitors, Mesera. Adlington and Co. liedford.row—D. DAwsON, Guhrborough, mercer, July 23, 24, Aug. el soli- citors, Messrs. Perkins and Frampton, Gray's-inn-square—W. HILL, Cirencester, coal- merchant, July 23, 24, Aug. 21; solicitor, Mr. Jones, John-street, Bedford-row—J.

GARDNER, Cirencester, baker, July 23, 24, Aug. 21 : solicitor, Mr. Jones, John-street, Bedford-row—J. WvAyy, Plymouth, rope-maker, July 27, 23, Aug. 21: solicitors,

Messrs. Black' eson and Sanders, Elm-court, Temple—M. and W. NEVETT, Liverpool, brokers, July 29, 30, Aug. 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Blackstock and Mime, Temple—R. WHITE, jUll. Blakeney, Gloucestershire, tanner, July IS, 20, Aug. 21: solicitor, Mr. Slug, Serjeatit's-inn, Fleet-street—E. GAYEs, and W. CORNFIELD, Northampton, drapers, July 30, 31, Aug. 21: solicitor, Mr. Harrison, Bond-court, Walbrook.

DENDS.—July 31, Spitler, Lansdown-mews, Guilford-street, stone-mason—July al, G. r. and H. Warren, Little Grosvenor-street, Grosvenor-square, builders—July 31,

W. and IL Sikes and Wilkinson, London, bankers—July 31, Bryan, Camberwell, mer- chant—July 31, A lbra, Chelmsford, inn-keeper—July al, S. and S. Barlow, Old Broad- street, merchan I s—J uly 111, II ow, II ay ni arket, jab-master—July 31, Woods and Will iame, Hastings, grocers—July 31, Stalker and Welch, Leadenhall-street, slopeellers—July 31, Evans, Mincing-lane, broker—July 31, Fleming, Fulham, schoolmistress—July 31, Ken- drick, Daventry, grocer—July 31, Odor, Cambridge, bookseller—July 31, Saunders Epsom, coach-master—July 3:, Gordon, Westmorland-place, City-road, and Southend- mills, Naples lustre anclblack-lead-manufactawer—Aug. 4, Bristow, Lloyd's Coffee-house, underwriter—Aug. 4, Burton, Brightmet, Lancashire, whitster—Aug. 4, hlorris, Man- chester, cotton-manufacturer—Aug. 1, Itawling, jun. Leeds, woollemdraper—July 31, II., R., and IV. Mure, Fenchurch-street, merchants—July 31, Clerke, Cherry-tree-court, Alderagate-street, watch-manufacturer—Jtsly 31, Swann, Bungay, Suffolk, linen-draper —Aug. 7, Noble, Narrow-wall, Lambeth, merchant—July 31, Brown, Austinfriars, mer- chant—Aug. Ii, J. Habgood, jun. Macclesfield, silk-manufacturer—July al, .1. and C. F. Hayes, and M'Callum, Albury-mills, Surrey, paper-manufacturer—July 31, Audesley' Hell-Hole-Gill, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner—Aug. 7, Calvert, Tavistock-hotel, Covent- garden, merchant—Aug. 3, Appleton, Manchester, cotton-spinner.

CERTIFICATES to be granted, sinless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Judy 31.—J. and J. Cockburn, Berwick-upon-Tweed, corn-merchants—Swettenham, Barslem, Staffordshire, earthenware-tnanufacturer—Allardyce,Chadwell-street, Clerken- well, bread-baker—Seals, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer—Williams, Hoxt on, victualler —Bunn, Cellbarns, Hertfordshire, cued-dealer—Rolling, Moor-green, Nottinehanishire, lace-manufacturer.