At the Haymarket, FARREN'S personation of the Scholar, in BUCK-
croNE's version of the French piece Le Savant, has been interrupted by his sudden indisposition. In the midst of his performance on Sa- turday night, he was seized with what appears to have been u paralytic affection ; but being promptly bled, he was relieved from immediate danger ; and we are glad to see be is now announced to act the part on Monday.
Covent Garden is closed ; and "BONN'S matchless" MALIRRAN is MOW filling Old Drury by her performance of Fidelio. The receipts on her nights are very much diminished, we should think, not by the large sums paid to her, but by those lost through keeping the theatre open on other nights. Captain POLHILL'S losses by Covent Garden ceased on the 1st of this month. when he gave up the theatre. How strange he must feel! Whether BUNN will resume his Siamese sway as Manager next year, is not, it seems, certain. Drury he will continue to mismanage. At bast so says a paragraph, whose authority we are not inclined to doubt, since its origin le evident from its (mew. In speaking of the .prohe. biliry of KEHRLR becoming manager of Covent Grade'', it t-lks efrhe "advancingyears" of the veteran, and lies about his not uniseeieg at the Haymarket. KEILBLE certainly would not 611 Covent Gluten by his own acting alone; but he is not such an egregious egotist as to try. If be reads the signs of the theatrical times aright, however, he may mike Covent Garden attractive by the old recipe, and the may me._ good plays, well performed. Humbug won't do. BONN has tried it; and it' he has failed, who can hope to succeed ?