THIS important bill—for hypo:sant it is, though bearing a local title--was read a second time on Monday evening, and committed for the 23d. Its promoter, Mr. BANNERMAN, very properly 'erased to listen to suggestions for delay, although such suggestions were made by Sir ROBERT PEEL as well as Mr. Hum Delays arc dangerous. The bill is an excellent one; founded on the Royal Commission of Visitation, issued by Sir ROBERT PEEL himself, in the year 1826. The Aberdeen Universities, situated within a m he of each other, granting degrees, superabundant in some Professor- ships, deficient in others, with an occasional sinecure or two, are by Mr. BANNERMAN'S scheme to be united into o..e University, and placed under the management of a Rectorial or University
Court, the tame, s ut wine!' are clearly nenneu. tu quit Court are to be vested, the funds, endowments, Ste. of the United Uni-
versity ; which ate strictly to be appropriated for University purposes. Future Prokssorships are to be open to compKttifiot, or comparative trial: thus placing the patronage of the Crown, and reover the Colleges, on such 'a footing as cannot fail to put an end to all political as well as jobbing apinintments, and strove to the public men of first-rate talents und acquirements. Pub. Vichy of accounts also, and an annual report of the state of the University, will 1 e attended with the best effects. In short, we Itril this measure, in its principle and details, as the commence- ment of a new eta in the Universities of Scotland. We hope, rierefore, that the Honourable Member for Aberdeen will perse- vere in carry ing this measure through Parliament. Whatever odium he may incur in some quarier,, lie will be rendering to the public, and to his country men in particular, an important service. Example goes further than precept. Perhaps in the next session of Portent:ea the titular Member for St. Andrews may have a little spare time en his hands. We underseand he was instrumental, in the year 1832, in procuring an addition to the salaries of the Pro. fessors in that University, from the Government of Earl GREY; and we believe the said Professors stood alone among their bre- thren of the North on a late occasion, and sent an address to the Ki g thanking his Majesty for dismissing his Liberal Ministers, most of Lord kleseouase's colleagues in November last being the saute individuals who two years before had bestowed addi- tional salaries on the Jointed addressers !
We were glad to observe, that during the discussion of the Aberdeen Universities Bills, Mr. WARBURTON noticed that the evidence and documents laid before the Royal Counnission of 1826, bad never been made public, and 'nape-eel that they should be reprinted. Sir ROBERT PEEL concurred with the excellent Member for Bridport ; and the House scented to acquiesce in his suggestion. We hope, therefore, that these documents may be sopa within the reach of the public, and particularly the Members con- nected with the Scottish Universities.