THE contents of this tasteful little book have balked our expecta- tions. We expected from the title, a volume of directions as to the best means of passing time on the sea-beach; one that should instruct the lounging idler of a watering-place as to the wonderful works that he might discover on the sands and cliffs, in the pools left by the retiring tides, and in the sea itself; not only furnishing him with amusement whilst he read, but with the means of amus- ing himself, we were going to say, for ever. But we have found that the Companion is more extensive in its nature, and gives us the results of observation, instead of teaching us how to observe. Without attempting originality, Miss ROBERTS, in the course of seventeen or eighteen letters, has presented an elegant compila- tion of the most striking features of Marine Natural History ; in- tersprinkling her really animated descriptions with appropriate scraps from the poets, and frequently from the wonders unfolded, taking occasion to enforce the truths of theology. Iler first letter gives an account of animated plants; her second of sponges; time three following treat of the works and wonders of the coral race; and the remainder describe the structure and mechanical organi- zation of fishes, and pleasantly tell of the most curious habits and migrations of the finny tribes.