11 JULY 1835, Page 19


THERE have been and am marry periodical works with beautiful and accurate delineations of flowers, but they are rather adapted to the botanist than the flutist; as they are exclusively scientific, and convey hitt Iartle information on the culture of the plants. To supply this desideratum, and to promote floriculture among those who garden for amt-entent merely, are the objects of the Florist's Magazine. Each Runt tier will contain four plates of quarto size ; not folded up, as is the case in many botanical works. The bloom only is given where the plant is tall,—as in the geranium, byachale and tulip ; while the attrieula is shown from the ground : where space allows, two different blossoms are intruduced in the same plate. The specimens are very dis-

timely figured, and nicely coloured ; the geraniums, ill particular, make a pretty picture : but we do not expect to field beautiful works of art in a publication so cheap as this. The execution is sufficient for the purpose. Popular descriptions of the flowers and practical directions for their culture accompany the ',hoes.

In FINDEN'S Landscape Illustrations of the Bible, Part X VII., ROBERTS'S version of Sir. PACES view of the Roman Forum presents the splendid fragments or architecture that still enrich its site, in pic- turesque coaildeation ; but the pictorial effect is not agreeable. The foreground is heavy, and the parts that arc thrown into shadow to make

them retire, come forward beyond those in light ; the more distant buildings arc well made out, however, and keep their proper place.

HARDING'S view of Antioch is tastefully composed, and bright and sparkling in its effect: the riiiil«lbridge looks absolutely red and white, and the stream is clear and lucid. There is air in the scene also; but there wants space between the city and the distant moutiteins. The engraving is beautiful. TURNER'S view of the Red Sea, with Suez in the distance, is full of light and utmosphere. The vessel being repaired in the foreground, is well introduced; though th• men are giants, judging by the scale of the craft. BROCKEDON'S view of Philadelphia

is a characteristic scene, but tame as a work of art.

The Fifth Number of 13RITTON and Baaysnv's History and De- scription of the Houses of Parliament, contains very distinct and neatly-

engraved views—the only good ones—of the interior of the temporary Houses of Lords and Commons, besides one of the ruins of SL Stephen's; and in the Sixth we have a view of the far-fumed Star Chamber, which is a good specimen of the so-called Elizabethan style of architecture as applied to interiors. It alsa gives a view of one of the buttresses of Westminster Hall ; which we hope to see brought to light in the designs for the New houses. The very existence of' these buttresses is unknown to matey; those on the west side of the Halt being built up in the Law Colts.

In sonic remarks on the resolutions of the " Rebuilding Commit-

tee " on the cover of No. VI., the authors, we are glad to see, coincide with us in deprecating the adoption of the " Elizabethan style," and also in supposing that the domestic architecture of the Tudor age is what is meant by the Committee. We further agree with them in thinking some definition is required of the precise kind of Gothic that is meant; and in assigning the preference to Tudor Gothic.