Letters from Paris mention the discovery of a conspiracy to
assassinate Louts PHILIP. A considerable number of persons have been arrested on suspicion of being implicated in the plot; and the courtiers and pub!tc fuctionaries have visited the King at Neuilly, to congratu'ute him on his escape. It is said that his Majesty was to have been assailed on his return from Neuilly to the Tuileries; and that papers have been found on the persons arrrested, which leave no doubt as to their treasonable designs. Still it is rather singular that the Ministerial journals are quite silent on the subject ; and the Courier Francais doubts the exist- ence of the conspiracy. It appears that the Bon Sens and La France were the papers which first communicated the intelligence, be it true or false, to the public ; they are both Opposition journals. CHARLES the Tenth and the Duke DE BORDEAUX are very unwell; and the Carlist party in France is consequently much alarmed. It is said that DUPUYTREN, the celebrated French surgeon, who attended the Duteliess DE BERRI from the time of the Duke's assassination to that of the birth of the Duke Ise BORDEAUX. always feared that the effects of the infirm state of the mother's health at that period would show themselves in her son as he advanced towards manhoad.