In the Central Criminal Court, on Tuesday, the Reverend J.
S. Blornfield, the Bishop of London's relation, was found guilty of steal- ing a pair of gold spectacles from Mr. Charles Douglas, of Penton-. ville.
It will be recollected, 'that Mr. Franks was a short time ago convicted of a libel on Mr. De Mole, the Secretary of the Merchant Tailors' Company, and was sentenced to be imprisoned one month, and to pay a line of to the King. His Majesty has remitted the fine ; and Mr. Frarks upon the expiration of the month, is to be released from prison without the payment of the money.— Globe.
At Guildhall, on Thursday, Charles Newland, a private in the Coldstream Guards, was held to bail to take his trial at the next ses- sions, for assaulting a watchman in Fleet Street, on Wednesday night.
It appeared from the evidence, that the prisoner was drunk, and jostled the watchman against the shutter of a shop. The watchman asked him what was the matter, and the soldier struck him twice. The watchman then attempted to collar him ; but the soldier drew Ids bayonet, and kept him off by holding the point towards the watchman's side, saying, " Now, what will you do?" Mr. Prince, a constable of Broad Street, who was passing, then luterkred, and wrested the bayonet from the prisoner. Mr. Alderman l'irie said, that this was the second case of a soldier drawing his side-arms, which had been brought before him this week.
Mr. Savage observed, that a similar ease, in which the offending soldiers were not detained, occurred on Sunday evening, about eight o'clock, opposite the door of St. Duustan's Church : two drunken soldiers made a quarrel and die- turbance there; and on being interfered with and pressed to go away, one of them (William Milner, of the fourth company of the Woolwich division) drew his bayonet to defend himself, but he fortunately did no mischief. The effects of the Horse Guards' exhortation on these drunken ruffians have answered our expectations. Who but a general officer would talk of "honour" and the dignity of the "service " to such wretches as these?] Daniel Smith, who also has the name of Dan Donovan, was re- manded from the Lambeth Street Office, on Monday, on a charge of being found on the premises of a corn-chandler in Stepney, with intent to commit a robbery. This man, it is said, in the report of his exa- mination, is well known to have been the robber of Mr. Williamson, the jeweller, on Cornhill. More than a hundred skeleton-keys were found upon him. He was considered a most adroit housebreaker ; and a large sum was offered to the prosecutor to induce him not to bring forward the charge. Numbers of the " swell mob " were about the office, and showed much anxiety as to the result of the examination.
On Thursday, six omnibus-drivers and conductors were sentenced to fine and imprisonment, for furious driving.