11 JULY 1835, Page 6

VW. Court.

Tin: King and Queen spent the early part of the week at Windsor. On Tuesday, Lord Melbourne arrived at the Castle, had an aui'.ience of his Majesty, and returned to town.

On Wednesday, the King, attended by Sir Herbert Taylor, arrived at St. James's Palace, to hold his ler v2e. Petitions were presented from the Baronets of the United Kingdom and their eldest sons, by Sir John Beresford, Sir Charles Des Voeux, and Sir Oswald Mosley : the prayer of the petitioners was for the restoration of several privi- leges of which their order was deprived in the Civil wars aid at the time of the Commonwealth, and for permission to wear the Ulster badge.

Among the gencrl company at the Levee, were the Duke of Leeds, Earls of Gosford and Itosslyn, Lord Glenelg, and the ilonoarable Arthur Kinnaird, who WaS presented by Lord Pahnerston, on being attached to the Embassy to Russia. The attendance was very thin. The King returned to Windsor in the evening. On Thursday, his Majesty, accompanied by the Queen, again came to town, and in the evening the King had a dinner-party at St. James's

Palace. Among the company, were Earl and Count: Brownlow, Lord Saltram, Lord Elphinstone, Lord Frederick Fitelarenee, Sir Hussey Vivian, and Colonel Cavendish. The Queen went to the Italian Opera.

Yesterday, the King and Queen, with a large party, attended a grand review of troops in Hyde Park ; and Li the evening his Majesty gave a dinner at the Palace, to the Duke of Wellingtou, the Marquis of Anglesey, and a number of military officers.

The Dutchess of Kent had a dinner-party, at Kensington Palate,

on Wednesday. The Marquis and Marchioness of Clanricarde, the Marquis and Marchioness of Tavistock, Lord Minto, Sir F. Burdett, the Earl of Ripon, and Sir George Grey, were among the guests of her Royal Highness.