7. Yesterday week, the following trick was played upon a
in Fleet Street.
A person, well dressed, slipped down, apparently by accident, and put his arm through a pane of glass in the show-window of an extensive linendraper. The shopman ran out and demanded payment of the broken pane ; which he said cost three ponnds. The party offered at first five shillings, but at length agreed to give a sovereign ; but pretending that he had not silver enough,. tendered a 10/. note. The proprietor of the shop, on getting hold of the not said, " Now I shall take three pounds ; " and consequently gave seven sove- reigns to the gentleman ; who, pretendiug to be greatly annoyed, left the house*
asserting that he should seek reparation in another quarter. It was then dis- covered that the note was u forged one.
James Eagle, a convict on board the Woolwich hulks, under sen- tence of transportation for life for sheep-stealing, attempted to escape by swimming, last week, but was drowned. 'I here was an iron round his leg, which cramped his efforts. Count Oberg, a young Hanoverian nobleman, and Equerry to the King, committed suicide on the 1st instant, by stabbing himself in the breast with a sword. He had previously attempted to poison and drown himself, but was prevented by a Waterman. A Coroner's July found a verdict of " insanity." Mr. Thomas Pehon, a seatengraver, was standing on Thursday morning in the glitter of the roof of his house in St. John Street Road, when one of the coping-stones which he was leaning over, being loose, slipped off, and Mr. Pelton fell upon the area-stones, from a height of forty feet. He is not expected to recover.
On Thursday morning, a stark of chimnies fell at Messrs. Hamilton's Prussian blue manufactory, George Street, Borough, ani bruke in the roof of the building. It happened that none of the workpeople were in that part of the premises at the time ; so no personal injury was sustained.
Elizabeth Roberts, aged seventy-two, drowned herself in a water- cask, on Thursday. She had been a servant for nearly twenty years in the house of a milliner in Paddingten ; but having become too old and infirm to be of much use, she received from her mistress %venting to quit. 'Ibis so much affected the poor old creature, that she com- mitted suicide.