A highly respectable and numerous meeting of the inhabitants of
Newcastle was held in that town on Friday week, for the purpose of petitioning both Houses of Parliament in favour of the bill now before the Commons for Municipal Reform. Several resolutions in favour of the measure were agreed to. A resolution having been proposed that Sir Al. W. Ridley and Mr. William Ord, the Representatives of the town, be requested to support the same, it was opposed so far as related to the Baronet, by Messrs. Blakey and Laing, who denounced him as an enemy to the measure. Mr. Blakey moved as an amend- ment, that Sir Matthew's name should be omitted ; which, un being put to a show of handa, was carried by a considerable majority.—. Sunderland Herald. [ The Newcastle Rel'ormers acted with plopriety, and like men of sense. Sir Matthew Ridley is much worse than a Tory, he is a Trimmer—the sixth joint in the Stanley tail—a member of the most contemptible party of modern times.] A " Doncaster District Reform Association " has been established; of which Sir Francis Wood is the President, Sir William B. Cooke (an old friend come back again), Mr. W. Wrightson, M.P., and Mr. Childers, Vice-Presidents, with most respectuble and efficient com- mittees and sub-committees for the surrounding villages. —Leeds Mer- cury. A numerous meeting of the parishioners of Manchester was held on Monday, being summoned to vote a church rate of a penny in the pound for the ensuing year ; but the proposal for the rate was rejected by a large majority, and the Churchwardens declared their deter- mination not to go to a poll.