ebt COttlitru.
The candidates for Oldham were nominated on Friday, the 3d in. stant. They were—first, Alr. John Morgan Cobbett, a person, ap. parentlys of dubious politics, calling himself a Radical, but opposed to removing the Bishops from the House of Peers, std to the separation of Church and State ; second, Mr. Feargus es'Connor, of whose Radicalism no one could doubt ; and third, Mr. John Frederick Lees, who clause to style himself a " Conset vative Liberal "—a scarcely dis- guised Tory. The show of hands was hi favour of O'Connor. The polling commenced on Monday, and at eleven o'clock the num- bers stood thus—
Lees 93 cobLett 44
O'Connor 32
Mr. O'Connor then resigned, in order to give Cobbett the better chance of throwing out the Tory; but Jr. O'Connor coinplains bitterly of the conduct of Mr. Fielder), the late Mr. Cobbett's patron, and who is supposed to possess predominant influence in the borough. It is certain that Mr. Mellen's behaviour requires explanation, it' even a portion of the following statement by Alr. O'Connor is correct. "I have already, in a hand-bill, under the head of Slander Righted,' exposed the conduct of Mr Fielden. Member or Oldham, as ressanis tie pre. tad cen7est for that
borough. and shall now proceed to state the laets have sines. rum, to my know-
ledge. flu inlay, the of Jam., is lion I called upon Mr 1,01:lert, I n.led him it'
he thought any of Mr. Cobliett's sous would start ? Ills reply was. not they, indeed.
And yet te• emu:ally written to r•Oills• or the CUM mil;ces a letter, which reach,. I Oldham on Sato:day, reconimendiag SIa..tohn Cohhett. This is the Mr. Fieldia who woqls1 no' he-effort.. Again, a Mr. !Iola, al% a most respect:11de gentleman residing in the rag 4111.1M hood or osesua. taus, I toe to Mr. Fh-Isietes. ansl thessee to the T.,flf S^11 °flies., for the p irpore of lin ;titsa me to .laud for thillenn. SIr. riAlsa aIRen-d perfect ignoratuy ”r all !natters conneet.al whit the elec:ion. Ili told Sir. Marwar that he auutd not in any way inter:ere; yet %via Ilse public believe. that Mr. Fie;den then gave a lever to Mr. lima ar to he handed to tar. Emushaw ? 'I his letter the I /odor toad to Mr. Ill.stwar, and it contained is strong recommendation of Mr. John Cobbett as a lit neer, smith:bye fx Oldham. Mr. Heiden advised me not to go to Oldham until I had lava invited: and what was the mode he adopted to powore this invitation? Ile “ay.. are two franks to persons with whom lie was actincly ill CUM mu• IliCation for the retina at' Mr. Cobbett —not very likely pansons to seek my presence. Mr. Fieldeu said he would nut interfere; and yet Mr. Cublvdt stated on the hustings that 1%4. Fielden wished to come down V. ail him, and on his behalf. Mr. Fielden se- quested upon pnrtI,;'s after each interview, that I would not leave town for Oldham without seeing him. Mr Fielder was secretly iu communication with a party in Oldham for the return of Mr. John Cobbett, previously to the death of the late Mr. Colshett. Mr. Fields% toll me that the electors would not support any candidate who • went down uninvited. Ile used all his influence to keep all ea sand:dos out of the field. Mr. Fielden assaml me that John (7obbe.t was a Radical ; bat if he is, I know not what a Radical mean-. lIad I not arrived, Me. Ashton Yates would hate been sup- ported by the Radicals against Mr. Cobbett. Ilad nut Mr. Fielden improperly inter tired with me, I slsollil have been returned for °Milani iv ithOitt to contest. As to my addressing the elector::. I told Mr. I iet■len that I should remain in Manchester to have an address printed which I would paste upon the chaise. In conclusion. Mr. Fielder's conduct tel through has been cunning and deceitful. Ile has 10,4 all his popularity here, and I will venture to assert that he will never represent Oldham alter tats Par. liament. Mr. Cull ett's pledge did not satisfy his own party ; Vet this was the man that Mr. Fielden wished to walk in for Oldham. This is a true and correct statement ; let Mr. Fielden deny one single wool of it if he can. There are many other rumours afloat, which Mr. ridden will be called upon to explain.'
We have given above the state of the poll at eleven o'clock, when Mr. O'Connor resigned ; at its close on the first day, it stood thus—
Less 314 Cubhett 304 So the majority of Mr. Lees was reduced from 54 to 10. On Monday, Mr. Lees was returned by a majority of 11, the numbers being_ For Lees 394 Cobbett 333 Since the choice lay between Mr. Lees and Mr. Cobbett, we are not sorry for the result. One is probably as good a Reformer as the other ; and the conduct of Mr. Fielden, in attempting to foist upon the Oldham constituency a person of Mr. John Cobbett's uncertain opi- nions, was such as to disgust till true Liberals. Why did he not sup- port Mr. Yates, or Air. O'Connor, gentlemen of whose real liberalism there is no doubt ?- We expect and Lope that, at the next election, Mr. Fielden himself will be unseated.