Notwithstanding the caution of the Lord Lieutenant, the 1st of
July was not suffered to pass over without Orange out:ages. About fen o'clock on Wednesday morning, a large body of Orangemen ap- peared in the streets of Monaghan preceded by banners and hands of music. They were all armed, and the majority of them carried naked swords in their bands. They continued to parade the streets iu this manner until three o'clock, without interruption, the people prudently ..avoiding any collision with them. On entering Dublin Street, how- ever, they were met by some of the inhabitants, who endeavoured to prevent them from proceeding further. As soon as they found their progress impeded, the Orangemen immediately fired on the people, and wounded three men, whose lives are despaired of. Two Magistrates, who bad been in town all day, and remained inactive t:p to this mo. ment, on finding that murder had probably been committed, ordered out the military, but instead of taking any active part against the rioters, they were drawn up under arms in Dublin Street, while the Orangemen continued to parade the tip to seven o'clock, firing shots and play- ing party tunes.—Correspondent of the Morning Register. A Coroner's Inquest sat upon the body of JillUrti Hughes, one of the three persons mentioned alcove as being wounded ; and returned it verdict to the effect " that the deceased came by his death in conse- quence of gun-shot wounds inflicted by James Al'Gill and — Ross, and that others of the Orange patty had been aiding and assisting."
subsequently surrendered himself to take his trial.