On the account of the revenue for the year ending .
on Saturday last, there is 0 decrease of 1,758,886/, and on the account for the quarter a decrease of 656,407/ In the Customs for the quarter, there is an in- crease of 384,4201. ; and in the Excise a decrease of 551,46i/. The Tea-duty has been transferred from the Excise to the Customs, and thus has swelled the Customs, and in the satire proportion lowered the Excise. The repeal of the House- Tax, and some other taxes, accounts for the decrease of 425,0361. in the quarter's taxes.
Lieutenant Gore, son of Sir John Gore, Lieutenant Fitzaermild, and eight seamen, all belonging to his Majesty's ship :Melville, were drowned on the 30th of April, to the eastward of A Igoe Bay. A core respondent of the Hampshire Telegraph, who appcnrs to have been on board the Melville, gives thisaccount of the calamity- " On the 30th of April, being about thirty-three leagues to the eastward of Algeua Bay, the weather, towards sunset, confirmed the appearance which the day had exhibited of an approaching storm, and rendered it necessary to reef the courses, and make the ship snug for the night. In performing this opera- tion, a man named Phillips fell from the foreyard overhand. Lieutenant John Gore, who was then on the poop, immediately jumped into the larboard quarter- boat, mid, observing the man mold not swim, from thence into the water, in the hope and confidence that he should be the 114r:1119 of rescuing hint before he could pass the ship. The quarter-boats were lowered with all expedition, and the life-buoy let go. Lieutenant Fitzgerald took command of one boat, and Lieutenant Ilaniond took command of the other. Before the boats were fairly in the water Lieutenant Gore was close to the ship asking where due man was. Ile was tell to strike out for the life-buoy, which was there a short dis- tance astern. This be did, so knitting very lightly, and apparently with much vigour. The boats immediately pulled in the direction of the life.buoy; but on reaching it, neither Lieutenant Core nor the man was to be seen. The boats rowed about for some time, the sea running very high, and the wind freshening; but net with nu better success, and returned towards the ship. Lieutenant Harnond and his crew teacher! her in safety. Not sa with Lieutenant Fitzgerald; whose limo, when within hail of the ship to xvindward, was swamped by one of those hollow seas, which are peculiar in this latitude, breaking directly into her. Their voices were heml calling to the ship, and the word swamp,' or • swampiug,' was distinguished. By this time it was (link, and the sea had risen to a fearful height, and the wind had increased. The quarter-boat was again lowered (for she had been hoisted up directly Lieutenant Ramona retio ned), in the hope that she might tender sonic assistance, and guns were tired to let them know our position. The boat could not get to windward, and was obliged to ram n. We heard no more sound save that of the hoarse wind meaning over our lust and lamented companions."
The Polish Literary Association in Paris gave a dinner, last week, to their favourite English poet, Thomas Campbell ; who, in return, delighted them with a speech in French.