11 JULY 1835, Page 8

Professor Airy has been appointed Astronomer Royal, rice Mr. Pond,

Who his resigned the office. The salary is FOC/ a year. Mr. Henry Seymour, the Sergeant-at-Arms attending the House of Commons, will have a retiring salary of 8001. per annum ; being the differecce betwe: n his present salary, SI:100/., and that which will be given, las ording to act pae ed last year, to his successor, namely 1500/ Mr. Seymour has IN en zergeluct-at-Arms for neatly twenty-four years, and reti es on account of the ill-1 ea'th produced by the late Parlia- mentary hours, and the air of Lonacm, which he says are " very detri- mental " to him. The Pertlyn Election Committee decided, on Thursday, thatir R. Rolfe, the Solicitor- General, had been duly elected.

The Select Committee on the conduct of the Norwich Magistrates, in regard to their retention of the noted witness Pilgrim, came to a resolution on Thursday, " That it does not appear to your Committee that the conduct of the Alugistrates, Samuel Bignold and E. '1'. Booth, Esquires, before whom the said John Pilgrim was charged, was a breach of the privileges of the House."

Let those entitled to the elective franchise remember, that if they do riot, on or before the 20th of this month, discharge the parochial rates due at Christmas, and the assessed taxes due on the 6th of Apt lust, they will forfeit their right to vote at Parliamentary elections.

Lead John Russell yesterday gave orders for discontinuing the taking in of the Morning Post, :Ilorniny Herald, and Albion newspapers at the Home Oflice.—Albion, iday.