STOCK ExCiTANnE, FlitnAr ArTERNOoN. upon the payment of the Dividends having, by affordiug an opportunity for sales, thrown a quantity of money stock on the market. The anticipation of the financial arrangements consequent upon the liquidation of the claims under the West Indian Indemnity Act (the settlement of which cannot be long delayed) The English Stock Market has declined ; the opening of the books consequent have also added to the gloom of the market. It is understood that the amount of claims established is about five millions sterling ; in payment of which, the Chancellor of the Exchequer intends, as is said, to issue Exchequer Bills; and this increase to floating debts must produce a decline, although we do net believe it will he either permanent or extensive. The rumours of the last few days as to the tottering condition of the Administration, have produced a sinister effect upon the mires of Public Securities, It was taste:I/ay very generally reported, that the King's objections to some of the leading provisions of the Irish Tithe Bill were of such 2 nature as to render an immediate change of Ministry pro- !sable. These reports did not obtain any extensive credence, but were sufficient to produce a decline in the Funds. The market was flat this morning, but is now rather better.
The Foreign Stuck Market has evinced a much greater degree of activity than fur some time past. Spanish Cortes Bonds have been very much in de- mand, and several extensive real purchases of them have occurred ; the price consequently rose to 521; but at that price the sales of Stock predominated ; and these, couplkd with the rumours of a political nature, before alluded to, caused a rapid decline in the course of the day to 491 ; which was continued this morning till the Bonds had fallen to 48. From that point, In swever, a rally has taken place ; and the closing price may be stated at 491. The Bonds of the Portuguese Loans, both II and 5 per Cents. have been in great demand ; the pike of the 5 per Cents. having been at 95, anti that of the 8 per Cents. at 63. From causes similar to those which have operated upon Spanish Stock, they declined in the course of yesterday and to-day ; but have again improved in the course cf the afternoon, and close within 11 per cent, of the highest quo- tations.
The Dutch Stocks Lave been unfortunately affected by the report of some dis- turbances at Amsterdam, which had their origin in a resistance of the people to the payment of the house-tax. It however turns out, that the vita was quite unimportant. and the prices of the Bonds have been reestablished. The Belgian, Russian, and other Euroyean Sectnities, are at higher prices than our last ; but the businkss transacted in them has not been extensive.
The South American Stocks have advanced in price ; as have the Shares of the Imperial Brazilian Mining Company, which have improved about 4/. per share. Much interest has been excited to- day in the Stock Exchange by the result of a trial in the Court of Continuo Pleas, in which a broker brought an action against his principal for a sum of money due fur differences in the Foreign Funds. The Lord Chief Justice, following the precedent set by the late Lord TENTERMEN, decided that the Act against time bargains in the Public Stocks did apply to transastions in the Foreign Funds. The Jury, under the direction of the learned Judge, found a verdict for the plaintiff for the full amount sought to be lecovered, subject to the opinion of the Court as to whether time bargains in the Foreign Funds come within the scope of the Act against stockjobbiug. SAT17R DAY, TWELVE. 01:1.1,e K.
The Consul Market has been heavy this morning. It is reported that the West Indian Indemnity Liquidstion Fond, will now be raised by a creation of :Ms per Cent. Stock. '1 he Spanish Market has been very heavy, and a decline of more than 2 per cent. has taken place in the bonds, the price having been as low as 17 ; an improvement has, however, occurred from that point, and the mice is wee as 1. Pot Diguese Bonds ate also lower. The other Foreign Vim:, tour tinafft.ctra.
.);-,1 1 I nenell :i per Cents 5_1i...5.51 911 I Dutch 21 per Cents .. A IIIIU iti VS - I Creel:, 1895.5 per Cents... . - - I Mexican CI per Cents. - ,: :: ,...• • .,. !• .• A. :aunt - lot I lignese 3 per C,111.• 684 4
F,..•:cru.: ■lin- 29 31 I Do. Vegeta:v.31,er Cent 901 5 11.•I2ian 5 ler Cents. ex.div. 99: ION I ltes-,i,:ii,18';2, 5 !er Cent- 10'4 DO Danish 3 per Cents 64 , 51 I Svahis;,, 1621, 5 pr Cent.. 4$t Illiazi!.. u 1, v•r Cvilts ..--L I Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent.... Ili 111.1i.3