The knaves who under the thin mask of religious zeal
seek to pro- pagate the most atrocious calumny on Boman Catholic Christians, and the fools who are deluded by them, are this day to hold another meet- ing in Exeter Hall. Their leaders have been asked to allow some Catholic gentlemen to appear in defence of the slandered faith ; and to rescind the resolution which requires the authority of the Catholic Hicuu'ehy to be produced by any person wishing to take part in the proceedings on behalf of the Catholics, seeing that to expect any such authorization by the Catholic Bishops is perfectly absurd. But this request has been refused by the Committee of Arrangement, on the ground that "no charge has been made against the Roman Catholic laity if Ireland." The gross falsehood of this assertion is proved in a letter from Mr. LEAnv, published in this morning's Chronicle : Mr. Leans( shows, by extracts froM the official accounts of the proceedings at the last met ring, that the Botnan Catholic laity were charged with the actual and habitual commission of robbery, perjury, and murder, as the inevitable consequences of their faith. There Can be but one opinion, among men not. tainted by bigotry or baseness, as to the character and object of the Exeter Hall agitators : their aim is to calumniate and exasperate the Catholics, without risk of having their lies and slanders exposed on the spot.