11 JULY 1835, Page 9


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th July 1834 and 5th July 1835; showing the Increase

or Decrease on each head thereof.

Years ended 5th July. 1834. 1835. Increase. Decrease.


Excise Stamps Taxos Post-o!liee Miscellanvon Total Ordinary Revenue

Imprest ;old el her in- cludiag !b./my on•nts of Ad-

vances fur Public Works Total I ncome 15,547,210 14,792.872 6.624.602 4,869,0 LO 1.367,000 48,200 £

18,004,725 11.514,007 6,493,028 3.887,591 1,390,000

61,936 £ 2,457,515 23.000 13,736 £ 3,194.265 131,574 982,019 43,249.194 402,410 41,433,887 477,131 51,7'21 4,307,858 2,518,972 43,671,901 41,913,018 2.548,9;2 Decrease on Deduct Increase the Year..

5th July.

' 1833.

1,753.886 Decrease.

Quarters ended 1834. I Increase.


£ £ £

Cl/A.0111S 4.077,207

4,461,627 384,420


3,033,509 2,502.018

551.461 Stamps 1.696 314 1,624.171

7d,143 Taws 1.923.429 1,500.393

423,0A Post-ofice 331,000 342.000 4.000

.Miscellaneoas 5,473 10,7:■9 5.314

Total Ordinary Revenue i 11,095,934 10,441.028

1mprest and other Monies, in- cluding ItipaymetiN of Ad-

vances for Public. Works

102,760 1 101,259

1,501 Total Income-. . 11,191,691 10,542,267 393,734

1,030,141 Ihmluct Increase


Decrease on the Quarter.


Income and Charge on the Consul idated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th July 1834 and 1835.

Quarters ended July 5.

• Date omitted in copy. 1 INCOME.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post.office Miscellaneous Tontine Money

To Cash brought to this Account to replace the like Sun, issued. or to be issued out of the Consolidated Fund in Ireland for Supply and other Services To Cash brought to this Account from the Civil List, Sup

plies, &c citAROE.

Permanent Debt Terminable Annuities Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the 1834. 1635.


2347,320 3,053,50) 106,314 1,925,4n 338.000 29,234


4.457,627 2.502,048 1,621,171 1,500,393 312.000 28,048 9,889,806 327,639 10,451,267 256,523 10.017,445 Quarters ended 1834. 10,710,810 July 5.



7,804,983 557,275


7,942,533 697,164 Consolidated Fund 11.956 10.183 Sinking Fund 388,090 125.515 Civil List 127,500 127,500 Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund, including Civil

Government Services, formerly paid out of the Civil List,

or the Hereditary Revenues of the Crown



Total Charge. 9,154,157

9,181.232 I

Surplus 1,063,287 1,526,538

10,217,445 10,710,810

Exchequer Dills issued to meet the Charge on the ('on:oli

dated Fund for the Quarter ended • and paid ott out of the growing produce of that Fund for the Quarter emits:

5th April 1833

4,623,105 Amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th J aly 1833, in part of the Sams granted by Parliament out of the Comedidated

Fund, for Supply Services 3,640,1,92

The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5t1,

July 18,31 1,526,57,9

The probable Amount of Exchequer Dills required to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th

2.0:4 124


July 1833