11 JULY 1846, Page 19


ADMIRALTY, July 4.- With reference to the Supplement to the Gazette of the 27th February 1846, containing a despatch from Rear-Admiral Inglefield, C.13.' dated the 20th November 1845, reporting an engagement which had taken place at Punta Obli- gado, the following naval promotions have this day been made, dated the 18th Novem- ber 1845, the day of the action : Lieute. to be Commanders-C. Barker, H. M. 8. V. Firebrand ; A. J. Woodley, H. M S. V. Gorgon ; C. S. Norman, H. Id. S. Comes ; G. H. Richards, H. M. S. Philomel , being the Senior Limas. of the ships engaged. Mate to be Lieut.-F. F. Nicholson, H. M. S. Dolphin, being the only mate engaged in the action. Clerk to be Paymaster and Purser-Mr. G. W. Pickthorn, H. M. S. Philomel, Mr. M. C. French, Assist.-Sorg. of the Flillomel, will be favourably considered for pro- motion, when he shall have passed• the requisite examination for the rank of Surg. ; Mr. J. J. Brown, Acting Second Master of the Philomel, will be promoted to the rank of Master, when he shall have passed the examination required to entitle him to that rank.