The improved appearance noticed in our last report has continued; the English Funds being in demand, and the price of Consols at one period 1 per cent above the quotations of the last week. A trifling reaction has since occurred, but the clos- ing price today is within * of the highest. Mach of this firmness is attributable to the investments always occurring at this period of the year, the necessary con- sequence of the issue of the Dividend-money. There is also a feeling abroad that the repeal of the late Corn-law and annihilation of the sliding scale will produce commercial results quite as great as any agricultural changes that may be ex- pected from it. It is believed that the operation of the new law will tend to give stability to the monetary system—thus enlarging and extending every description of commercial enterprise. In proof of the extension of this feeling, we may point to the continued improvement of the Public Funds, and general increase of busi- ness. Money has become very abundant; but we cannot notice any material im- provement in the value of Exchequer Bills. On more than one occasion the mar- ket has shown symptoms of an advance; but these indications have been without permanence, and the price today is 12s. to 16s. premium. Bank Stock has risen about 1 per cent since our last report, and seems to be steadily increasing in favour.
The usual quarterly notice from the Treasury states the surplus of income over expenditure, for the year ending 5th April 1846, at £2,380,599 17 7 Of this sum, one-fourth will be applicable to the re-
demption of the Public Debt during the quarter ending £595,149 19 4 10th October nett Of which there is to be applied to the purchase of E25,149 19 4 Stock To the repayment of Deficiency Bills £570,000 0 0 The transactions of the Foreign Market have been on the usual limited scale, and scarcely any business of importance has occurred. The probability of a speedy termination of the war between the United States and Mexico has given a slight impulse to the Stock of the latter republic. The adjustment of our own dispute with America has led to the occurrence of some inquiry after the Stocks of the Old States; and there appears to be a disposition to purchase among the English capitalists: but the transactions have been limited, and must continue unimportant until the echo of the word "repudiation" have ceased to vibrate upon the English ear. The Railway Shares are without any material change either in the amount of business or the appearance of the market. No general improvement in prices has occurred. We may, however, notice the rather unusual circumstance of the Parliamentary success of the Birmingham and Oxford Junction line having caused an advance in the value of the Shares: since the passing of the bill the price has been slowly rising, and today it is at 3 premium. No change or busi- ness of importance has occurred in the French or Foreign Shares; which are generally at our last quotations.
The English Funds are rather heavy, without the occurrence of any business of importance. No change can be reported in any of the Foreign Stocks. The Rail- way Share Market is in a quiet state. Birmingham and Oxford Junction, and North Staffordshire, seem the chief objects of attraction; but, though some bar- gains have occurred in both, no material alteration has been effected in the prices. The other business has been confined to the following: Dundalk and Enniskillen, 1*; Eastern Counties, 24* 4; Ditto, York Extension, 24; Great Western, Quarter Shares, 23*; Manchester and Leeds Extension, 24 premium; London and York, 11; Portsmouth Direct, 44; North Staffordshire, 34 premium.
The English Funds close more firmly, the last price of Consols for Account being 954 96. There is no change in the Foreign Funds. The Railway Share Market presents rather a firmer appearance than in the morning; some of the better class of Shares being at advanced prices. The Shares of the Northern Railway of France have declined 10s. on account of the intelligence respecting the recent accident on that line. The following transactions have occurred since the morning: Birmingham and Gloucester, New, 1284 9; Caledonian, 84; Ditto, Half-shares, 4; Eastern Counties, 244 4; Ditto, New, 8; Ditto, York Extension, 24 premium; Great Western, 152 3; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 23* 4 3; Hull and Selby, 107 81; Ditto, Half-shares, 391 9; London and Birmingham, Fifths, 254; London and South-western, 78; Midland, 150 1 50; South-eastern and Dover, 424 3; Ditto, New, No. 1, 214; Ditto, New, No. 2, 14* 4; Boulogne and Amiens, 124; Dutch-Rhenish, 7 6* ; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 134 13; Great Western of Bengal, 1; Luxembourg, 24 1 1; Orleans and Bor- deaux, 8 4; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 54; Paris and Rouen 88* 4; Paris and
Strasbourg, Constituted, 41
3 per Cent Consols Columbian ex Venezuela . • 154 164 Ditto for Account 951 6 Danish 3 per Cents Sri 90 3 per Cent Reduced 961 1 Dutch 24 per Cents 594 60 34 per Cents 971 I Ditto 4 per Cents 94
Long Annuities 104 2-16 Mexican 5 per Cents 27
Bank Stock 207 9 Ditto Deferred 151 164
Exchequer Bills prom. 12 16
India Stock Portuguese blew 5 p. C tS. 1841 46 8
46 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 84 6 Ditto 4 per Cents 1545 Russian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Ceuta Chilton per Cent* 96 8 110 112
sprinted otetive) 5 per Canto 5624Ie1
96 8 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842