11 JULY 1863, Page 1

THE CLEAT GOVERNING FAMILIE3 OF ENGLAND.—NEw Fusrustr..-21. .1eature of some

interest will appear in the Spam-a-roe, and be continued, either weekly 'or at short intervals, giving on Account of the Great Governing Nana, s of Engload, Comfy by County. in ReLition to their Influence on Politica Ajfiers. The introdueory one of the Series, the next of whCh will be the Tereus of Northumberland, is issiied To- srlay, accompanied by a Mop of Great Si Bain, showing County by County in great Landed Proprietors therein rrsiding, or owning lre blocks of terribry. forming an Index, an it were, to the modern h'story of properly and politics in the Mond. The Map 4o;libe giren gratis with the piper of To-day only. Ofsee,1 Wellington street, Strand; -and by order of all Booksellers and News-agents in town and country.