[To THE EDITOR OF TEl “Srseraroa.'1 SIR,—The Women's Holiday Fund again ask you to let your far- reaching voice speak for them. To be supported by the Spectator is such a boon, and the result of appealing through that paper is always so successful, that I hope you will forgive my persistency year after year. We were afraid at the beginning of this year that our numbers would be greatly curtailed by want of funds, but a generous and timely legacy has carried us through so far, and we pride ourselves on having no debts. Still, we cannot by any means send away all those who wish to go, or whom we wish to send, and have had to stop passing any more cases for lack of money to meet them. Will those now looking forward to an outing of many weeks' duration spare a little to give the London working woman one week or two away from her grinding cares ? The price some of us pay for one day in a first-class hotel will give one of these women at least one week at the sea. Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged by the Secretary, Women's Holiday Fund, 76 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road ; the
Treasurer, Arthur S. Daniells, Esq., Fairchildes, Warlingham, Surrey ; or by Mrs. Frank Pownall, 7F Bickenhall Mansions, W.
(Vice-Chairman W.H.F., Ex-committee). 7f Bickenhall Mansions, Gloucester Place, W.
[Most sincerely do we wish a good purse to this fund. None want holidays more than hard-worked women, and none, we may add, make better use of them.—ED. Spectator.]