At this season of the year guide-books are much in
demand. The modern tendency to deal with a small district in a pocket volume is shown in Argyllshire and Buteshire, by P. Macnair (Cambridge University Press, ls. 6d. net); Bexhill-on-Sea and Falmouth, Truro, and the River Pal (Homeland Association, 6d. net each); Paris and Lake Geneva, by D. L. Kelleher (G. Lunn's Tours, 6d. net each); Berlin and Brussels and Antwerp (Williams and Norgate, ls. 6d. each).—To the "Little Guides " is added a fascinating volume on The Temple, by H. H. L. Bellot (Methuen and Co., 2s. 6d. net).—We may also note British Columbia, by Ford Fairford (Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, 2s. net), which is guaranteed as "truthful and useful" by the Agent-General of the Province.