CROSSWORD 1067: Thunderstruck by Druid
A first prize of £20 and a bottle of Graham's Malvedos 1979 Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 27 July, with two runners-up prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary'). Entries to: Crossword 1067, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
The imbued ights comprise a key-word and a related octet (all in Brewer, and including the phrase formed by 1D/25). Ignore an apostrophe and an accent.
Name Address ACROSS 11 Fine crown (6) 13 Man with club's in charge of mineral (7) 15 Artist put on gas (5) 16 Plain-clothes lawman (5) 17 Not one disagreeable thing is knotty (6) 18 One portion's perfect (5) 20 God: laud, maybe, giving tongue (6) 21 About nest, a stinger (5) 22 Phenol adulterated corn-oil (7) 27 Read law, involved in unjust treatment (7, two words) 29 Old penny, advance payment for poet (5) 30 In Scotland, taxes southern dwellings (6) 32 More than one pipe recites aud- ibly (5) 34 Tea, tea dance (6, hyphened) 36 Pitch for game (5) 38 Causing a sneeze, right, in En- glish flower? (7) 39 Shelter from sun? Daybreak's not started (6) 40 Weight's all nght (3) 41 Boxer, pale Welsh figure (11) DOWN 2 Look out I Cover front part of ship (8) 3 Foreign cash in Scottish bar gets refusal (9) 4 Bets they're energy storers (12) 5 `I' in 'Italian', maybe, not 'a'? Yes (7) 6 Cattle need to be sorted, put in order (8) 7 Some fungoid ianthine stages of mildew (5) 12 . . . stale and earthy (6) 14 Blooming loner effects changes (12) 23 Consign to earth, world without end, space (8) 24 Note longing for instruction (8) 26 Publication is following (7) 28 Old glowing remains in East (6) 31 Holy man, unhappy disheart- ened Hindu? (5) 33 Destroy King among rest (5) 35 Priestess beheaded in pulpit (4)
Solution to 1064: Autocue Title = auto (mode of transport) + CUE (a hint). Thus: 3 (van)DAL = 4A; 9 (taxi)DEamic = 37; 17 (bus)HELLEa = 22; 19 (metro)sTvLE = 11; 29 (car)uNcLE = 38.
Winners: Mrs Dorothy Bristol (£20); Wilfrid Halam, Notts; A. Riley, Hulme, Cheshire. Abbott, Miron, Cheadle
Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.