Fresh patronage has fallen into the hands of Dublin Castle. The office of Solicitor of the Treasury, vacant by the resignation of Mr. Ilemmins, has been bestowed upon Mr. Mostp, Clerk of the Crown for Sligo county. Mr. Courtenay, Solicitor and Registrar of the Lord Chief Justice has been appointed Registrar of Judgments in the room of Mr. Scrivens, resigned. Mr. James Major is appointed Attorney-General for three counties in the North-West in addition to Fermanagh, held by him already, and Mr. S. Johnston, Attorney-General for the two others.
The Irish' solicitors are very much dissatisfied with the Derbyite prin- ciples of disposing of patronage—they get little or none—and they have passed resolutions against the system.
The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland have held a meeting and express- ed their alarm at the attempt of the 171tramontane party to gain a charter for their University. They cannot believe that Lord Derby contem- plates a measure so offensive, and one that would destroy the confidence of the Irish Protestants in the Government.