11 JUNE 1898, Page 26


Barton (F. T.), The Horse Owner's Companion, 32mo (Houlston) 2/0 Boyle (11. H.) (" de Stendhal"), Red and Black, 2 vols. 12mo (Smithers) 7/6 Bnchan (J.), John Burnet of Barns, Cr Svo (Lane) 6/0 Bygone Hertfordshire, edited by Wm. Andrews, 8vo (Andrews) 7/6 Capes (B.), Adventures of the Comte de in libretto during the Reign of Terror, or Svo (Blackwood) 6/0 Constable (F. 0.), Aunt Judith's Island, Cr Svo (Richards) 6/0 Crawford (R.), South American Sketches, Cr Svo (Longmans) 6/0 Douglas (Th.), Behind a Mask, or Svo (Harper) 6/0

Doyle (A. C.), Songs of Action, 1..mo (Eimit&Aicrergelisl ://g

Egerton (G.), The Wheel of God. cr Svo

Fuller (T. e.), Calculations in Hydraulic Engineerintr, Part I....(Longmans) 6/6 Freeman (R A.), Travels and Lite in Ashanti and Jaman, roy 8vo (Constable) 21/0 Geikie (A.), Types of Scenery and their Influence on Literature (Macmillan) 2/0

Haddon (A. 0.), The Study of Mon, 8vo (Bliss & Sands) 6/0 Henry (Mn. 8. M. I.), Confidential Talks on Home and Child Life (Oliphant) 3;6 Mohler (Mrs. Edwin), The Green Toby Jug, cr Svo (Nelson) 2/6 Holding (T. H.), Cycle and Camp, or 8v0 (Ward & Lock) 210 Humphrey (F. P.), Phoebe Tilson, cr 8vo (Ward & Lock) 3/6 Kitchin (D. B.), The Solent Chart Book. Svo - (Sonnenschein) 5/0

Lavignao (A.), The Musk Dramas of Richard Wagner, &a., 8vo (Service) 10/6

Lean ( W. S.), To my Mother, and other Home Verses, 12mo (K. ran)) 3,6 Lindsay (H.), The Jaoobite: a Romance, cr Svo Matto & Windus) 6/0 Lodge (Mrs.), I. Son of the Gods, or Svo (Digby A Long) 6/0 Modell (H.), The Wooings of Jezebel Pettyfer, or 8vo (Richards) 6/0 Marsh (R.), Tom Ossington's Ghost, or Svo (Bowden) 3/6 Marshall (J. J. de Z.), Stretcher Drill illustrated, 18mo (Closes) 2/6 Molyneux (T.), The Defeat of Avarice, or Svo (Digby & Long) 6/0 Moore (G.), Evelyn Lanes, or Svo (IInwin) 6/0 Nesfleld (J. C.), Historical English and Derivation, or Svo (Macmillan) 3/ Parker (E D.), An Outline of Reconnaissance. 16mo (Stanford) 2/0 Pmkering (W. A.), Pioneering in Formosa, live (Hurst & Blacked) 16/0 Pinkerton (T.), San Beetles, cr 8vo (Lane) 3/6 Rale (T.), Lectures on the Geometry of Position, Part L (Macmillan) 10/0 Sachs (E. 0.), Stage Construction. folio (Botsford) 63,0 Scott (W. E. D.), Bird Studies, 4to (Putnam) 21/0 Smeaton (0.), William Dunbar," Famous Soots" Series, cr 8vo (0hphant) 1/6 Smythe (A. J.), The Life of Wm. Terries, Svo (Constable) 12/6 Sutphen (W. G. van T.), The Coincide, 16/no (Harper) 2/0 Talbot (E. D.), The Inevitable, or Svo (Digby & Lung) 6/0 Tollemache (L. A.), Talks with Mr. G'aistone. Cr Svo (Arnold) 6/0 Wallace (A. R.), The Wonderful Century, or Svo (Sonnenschein) 7/6 Ward (Mrs. Thimphry), Helbeck of Banniadale, cr Svo (Smith & Elder) 6/0 Weekley (E.), French Prose Composition, or Svo (Olive) 3/6 Welldon (J. E. 0.), The Hope of Immortality, cr Svo (Seeley) 6/0