At this point M. Marinkovitch, the Yugo-Slavian Minister for Foreign
Affairs, declared that he himself was responsible for the language used, that the arrest of Jurashkovitch was only one of a long series of incidents deliberately unfriendly to Yugo-Slavia, and that he must refuse to withdraw anything in the Note. He followed up this retort by breaking off diplomatic relations with Albania. Yugo-Slavia evidently acted with heat and haste, but it may be'as. sumed that the action was designed to amount to a declaration that she intended to deal with Albania as though the Treaty of Tirana had never been heard of. That Treaty, it will be remembered, in effect establishes an Italian Protectorate over Albania. It is bitterly resented by Yugo-Slavia, which claims at least an equal interest with Italy in Albania, and the bitterness is intensified by the fact that the President of Albania, who is now hand in glove with Italy, was originally the nominee of Yugo-Slavia.