[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] have read with great interest the correspondence in our columns concerning the new Prayer Book Measure. One ing I have not seen mentioned, and to which I should like to raw public attention, is that the Thirty-nine Articles have
• n left out.
The immediate conclusion one comes to is that the teaching
I the new Book does not conform to that teaching, and yet is to a belief in and an upholding of those Articles that the shops and clergy subscribed at ordination ; and it is this *filch has given them the privilege of attempting the revision of one of the treasures of the Anglo-Saxon race.—! am, Sir,
FANNY P. LLOYD (Lay Representative of Ruri-decanal Conference).
Westfield, Brough, East Yorks.
[It is true that the Thirty-nine Articles have been omitted, a it is possible, we think, that if the " Deposited " Book is ublished separately the Thirty-nine Articles will be bound up with it. It must be remembered that the Articles form no Pat of the Prayer Book itself. The actual Prayer Book was appended to an Act of Parliament, thus forming an integral part of that Act, but the Thirty-nine Articles were added bsequently as an appendage and cannot therefore be claimed Possessing equal authority.—En. Spectator.]