11 JUNE 1927, Page 15

THE ROBIN AND THE WREN [To the Editor of the

SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Apropos of the paragraph "Where Birds Build," by Sir W. Beach Thomas in the Spectator for May 7th, where it is stated that "the robin used the roof of a wren's nest as

the floor of its own, the following old Scots verse may be of interest to your bird-loving readers :—

The Robin earn' to the Wren's neat And keekit in, and keokit in : "Oh, wae's me on yak mild pow, 'Wad ye be in ? Wad yo be in ?

"For ye sall never ho withoot, And me within, and mo within. As hang's I has an auld cloot To row ye in, to row yo in."

. Tuxlythe, 211111and, Liphook, Hants.