But, of course, all this is assuming a great deal.
Much may depend, after all, upon that unaseertained quantity, Feng Yu-lisiang, the Christian general. It is certain that Feng is a Nationalist, but it is not known whether he is Red or Pink. The Soviet documents which were recently seized at Peking show that Moscow is itself extremely doubtful on this subject. There were careful inquiries about Feng and one . document suggests that he should not be trusted too far by Borodin, as he had been " fickle " in the past and his disposition towards the Kuomintang was "vague." Also, alas ! he had shown some definitely "Imperialistic tendencies." In order to make quite sure what ought to be done about Feng, Moscow decided in the end to form a few " cells " in his army. Nevertheless, Feng, as we know, was liberally supplied with arms and ammunition.