THE DOOR UNLATCHED. By Marie Cher. ((erald How. 7s. 6d.)—Miss
Marie Cher has chosen a difficult subject, but she has avoided many of the traps that lie set for those who tamper with time. A young man is haunted by the counterpart of himself, another young man who had lived in the days of the French Revolution. He would suddenly become aware that the Paris at which he gazed was the reeking city of 1790 and not the Paris of 1927; his very clothes would alter to suit the period, and he would be no longer Roger but Raoul, while his friends Evelyn and her daughter Fan had been swept back with him through the centuries and would become Adrienne and Lucie. With great skill and Pulse the author brings her story to an unexpected but net HI: credible climax. . There are passages of real beauty in MI5 strange book, which recalls Berkeley Square.