Summer Holiday Notes
Tim rising franc and lira, we are told, will direct many travellers this summer to the Playgrounds of the Rhine, Black Forest and Tyrol. Some hotel-keepers of the Riviera have killed themselves by their exorbitant charges, and it serves them right. As to Spain, people go there once, but not again, because they do not know how to attract -tourists in that country. Berlin, on the other hand, is making a bid for popularity that will even threaten Paris. - Yet there are many reasons why Germany will never become really popular with English travellers—the language, for one thing, will long remain a stumbling block. On the whole, the advantages of England for the English remain unsurpassed. King Charles II (who made many .wise observations in ibis -time) said that our climate was the best in the world—and .so it is, in spite of our foolish habit Of detracting every natural asset we possess.