Mr. Alfred Barnes reminded the Congress several Imes that the
scheme is really optional ; each society s left free to decide whether it will or will not ally itself vith the local Labour Party. Nevertheless, the fact hat the Cheltenham Congress has voted for the alliance ust have great influence. The drift, at least for the resent, will everywhere be towards the Labour Party alter than away from it. It is being arranged that a oint Committee of the Co-operators and the Labour arty shall allocate constituencies for the next General leetion. It will be extremely interesting to watch the lliance at .work. In the abstract it is almost impossible o reconcile the doctrines of the Labour Party with hose of the co-operators; who profess to believe in the oluntary principle. Most co-operators haye been guided y nothing but an impulse towards thrift. Politics did ot concern them. This is the prohitble explanation of heir lack of interest at this crisis. •