By Wing and Wheel
WE already have a number of enthusiasts in the light aeroplane clubs who take all their holidays abroad by air-plane, but the great majority of us, alas ! have not yet become really air-minded." Flying is still looked on as a costly and dangerous sport, Whereas in point of fact it is neither. As a means of transport it has come to stay and must prove ' a vital _force in business_ and sOcial life in the near future. There are few millionaires interested in aviation, few big business men from the industrial North, and no great English or Scottish city has yet said, "We will incorporate air facility as a form of our municipal activities and hang the expense! We will make our city win favours as an aerial pioneer ! " In tither countries the attitude is different. They do not wait for an angel to come down from their particular Whitehall and perform a miracle in air transport for them. They tackle the problem themselves.