General Knowledge Competition
THE General Knowledge Competition is eliciting a ready response from our readers, although some have mistaken our purpose and sent in answers to the questions set last week, instead- of thinking out a new General Knowledge .paper for themselves. We have chosen Mr. P. Hope Wallace's questions on Shakespeare for the prize of one guinea this week : several other papers have much merit, however, and are being held over until an opportunity occurs to publish 'hem.
Questions from Shakespeare
From what plays do the following quotations come ?-
1. (a) "lady, you are the cruell'st she alive." (b) " • . . let the. world slip, we shall ne'or be younger." (0) " . . it is a tale told by an idiot . . . '" (d) "Two may keep counsel, putting one away."
2. From what plays are the following characters ?---Euphronius-- Voltimand—Gremio—phebe.
3. How many conspirators against Julius Caesar were there ? 4. What are Hamlet's first words ?
5. In what plays are the following mentioned ? The fat woman of Bransford—the cat i' the adage—like two spent swimmers. 6. What did the third witch in Macbeth deduce by the "pricking of her thumbs"
7. Who was "more sinned against, than sinning" ? •
8. How did Ophelia meet her end ? • 9. Whant_did Theseus marry in A Midsummer Night's Dream ? 10. What wisabylock's bargain ? 11. In what play does." La Pueelle " appear ? 12. Where does the first seem of Romeo and take place ? 13. With what instrument did Katherina break Hortensio's head ?
Answers to the above and to the Biblical questions of Ian Week will be found on page 1046, ..