But for the fact that two years' dividends from the com- pany's Anglo-Persian holding chanced to fall in the previous year the profits of the Burmak Oil Company for 1926 would have been greater than they were. As it was, however, they totalled no less than £2,503,000 against £2,405,000 for the previous year. The Report, in fact, shows very prosperous nditions and emphasis is laid in it upon the benefits of refinery construction and savings in other directions. The balance-sheet also shows a strong position with Investments standing at £6,834,000. On the other hand, the reports as to exploratory work are less encouraging, as it is stated that neither of the outside areas on test in Burmah has given other han negative results. - Crude oil production by the Assam Oil Company showed a large increase, but the Report refers to a urther fall in the value of oil products due to over-production H the United States.