11 JUNE 1932, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—I applaud your article on the above (May 28th). I should applaud it still more if the facts were more candidly stated, if you had cast aside your editorial reserve and called every spade a straightforward sanguinary shovel. The position is grave in the extreme ; all the more so because the extremity is not generally realized. And that, surely, is the fault of the Press, and of the Spectator not tiv:. least.

May I give an illustration ? You allude to the "conflict 'between the (German) National Socialists and the forces of moderation and order." The postulate, clearly, is that the Hitlerites stand for immoderation and disorder ; but I join issue with you and ask for enlightenment and proof.

The German Government is not a Conservative government. It is not a National government. It is a Socialist government which leapt adroitly into the opportunist saddle of 1918 and has since maintained its dominion over a docile and stupefied nation which, at heart, is the least socialistic and most con- servative in Europe. From my observations I believe that Ilitlerism is far more representative of the real and permanent Germany, and I wonder from what greater store of knowledge you command me pontifically to accept that Hitler stands for anarchy and disruption, and that I must support a govern- ment which, if it were in Britain, you would be the first to oppose.

And why do you not direct me clearly and candidly as to the Ptdies of Fiance? Was it not France who demanded the dis-

memberment of the old Danubian Empire, with all the dire economic and political consequences we now see ? Is it not France who dominates, militarily and financially, her puppet allies of Poland and Czechoslovakia and maintains, directly and vicariously, the largest army in the world solely in order to keep her sword at Germany's throat 't Is it not the utter, ruthless egoism of France which demands that the entire world Shall be sacrificed to satiate her frenzy for " security " and her lust for revenge ? And can we see even the beginning of a solution unless and until these things are dragged into the sunlight, and ventilated and examined with fearless scrutiny Y —I am, Sir, &c.,