11 JUNE 1937, Page 42


By C. B. Nicholson .

As a stimulus to an architectural motor tour nothing could be better than Mr. Nicholson'slatelligent and attractive picture-book (Pafford, 3s. 6a.). He has arranged his excellent photographs in order of atte,litgiri—tung with St. Alban's and Gloncetter and ending with-, St. Paul's, and gives a- brief and helpful comment on each; while a short intro- duction'- emphaiis -K_the significance of our mediaeVar churches, each of Which represented the loving labour of genera- tions. Among the thirty-nine buildings selected it is good to find the little- known but exquisite ruin of Castle Acre Priory, which the Office of Works has recently put in order, as well as Beverley -and Sheiborne Minsters. Mr. -Nichol- son's only difficulty was to choose from the wealthof subjects, and it need only be said that every photograph is a thing of beauty.