11 JUNE 1954, Page 14


SIR,—The Minister of Agriculture recently promised to prohibit gin traps in 1958 pro- vided that a ' suitable ' humane trap be avail- able by then. But the number of possible types of humane trap is limited and no improvements in the details of the design of any of these types can render it suitable for the purposes of the professional trapper; hence the Minister's promise is rendered nugatory by the cond;tion attached to it. What he has resolutely refused to recognise is the fact that trapping achieved popularity during the present century as a method of exploiting rabbits for the market, whereas for keeping rabbits down it is relatively in- efficient, and commercial trapping has brought about a catastrophic increase in the rabbit population.—Yours faithfully,

C. W. Il.:Nig

The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare