Welcome to America
From Nick C. Flynn Sir: Come on, you guys (‘Now for the British revolution’, 4 June). Tell the EU to take a hike. You know you really want to. Face it, your relationship with the EU isn’t going to get any better with the passage of time. Do you really want a bunch of ignorant Brussels bureaucrats dictating your domestic and social policy from the Continent? The solution is simple. Petition to join the other more perfect union across the pond. Just think. England, Scotland and Wales could all enter in as separate states. (Wipe your hands of Ulster and let Dublin deal with it.) Not only would you get two senators apiece, but your combined congressional delegations would dominate the lower house. Within a generation, no doubt, a Brit would occupy the White House. So what do you say? Get wise and get with it. Dump the loser and hook up with the winner. Something to think about while you watch the EU implode.
Nick C. Flynn
Thousand Oaks, California