Aglionhy, IL A. Ainsworth. P. liagshaw, J. Bainbridge, E. T. Baines, E. Baldwin, Dr. Ball, N.
Barnard, E. G. Barry. G. S. Beanclerk, Major Beutinek, Lord W. Bernal, It. tit-wes. T.
Billdulph, R. Bish, T.
Blake, !H. J. Blunt, Sir C. liodkin..1. J. Bowes, J, 13rabazon, Sir W. Brady, D. C. Bridgeman. II. Brocklelmrst, .1. Brodie, W. B. Brotherton, .1. Browne, It. D. Buckingham. J. S. Bolwer, 11. L. Bulwer, E. 1,.. Minion, W. W. Butler, Hon. P. Callaghan, U. Chalmers, P. Chichester, J. F. 11, Clay, W. Coltrington, Adm. Collier, J. Conyngbnm. l.d. A. Coolies, "I. II. MR. GROTE'S MOTION. THE BA MINORITY FOR Crawford, W. S. Crawley, S. D'Eynconet, C. Divett, E. Doneomile, T. Dinning, Iron. 3. Dtintlas. J. 1), Elphinstone, H. Etwall. R. Evans, G. Ewart, W. Ferguson, Sir R. Ferguson, R. Fiehlen, J. Finn. W. F. Fitzroy, Lord C. Fitzsimon, C. Fort J.
Gaskell, D. Gislawne, T. Guest, J. J. Gully. J.
Hall, 13.
Hardy, J. lilarvey. D. NY. Ilawes, B. Hawkins. J. H. hector, C. 3. Hindley, C. Hodges, r. 1.. Holland. E. Ilunie, J.
11 impliery, J. Hutt, W.
James, W. Jeplison, C. D. 0. King, E. B. Larnbton, H. Langton, VV. 0, Lister, E. C. Rutliven, E. T. Lushington, Dr. Sanford. E. A. Lushington, C. In rich, A. H. Si. ri C. SP Namara, Major Simeon, Sir R. Malier..1. Sinclair, Sir 0. Mangles, 3. Smith. It.
Marjoribanks, S. Strickland, Sir G. Marshall, W. Strati, E.
Marsland, H. Stuart. Lord J. NMI oolrersi:toonr,t 31t, Sir W. Stuart. V.
Mullins, F. W. Thompson, Col. NI usgrave, Sir R. Thornelv, T. O'Connell, D. Tooke, W. Nagle, Sir It.
O'Connell. J. Trelawny. Sir W.
O'Connell, NI. J. ITiu:,r,n,rors,NW.'. O'Connell, M. Tvute, C. J. K. (Is"a'::%1Vel, J. Villiers, C. 1'.
Falme: Gen. Waldo v, T.
Parrott, .7. Wallac7e, It.
Pat tison, .5. NI arburton. H.
Pease, J. Ward, 11. G. Pentiarves, E. NI'. W. Wason, It. Philips, M. \rem yss, Captain
1411111pr, C. M. whaney, sir S. Ponpooliy, llon..1. Ax:.'iligititeamy.,.1.SIN,.• 111:,:,t,n.i....,.. JR.. wiite, sergeant
Pryme. G.
Ramsbottom, .1. Williams, NV, A. lisp pon, C. a‘Sliiiks: .5.1, Rlit7ittei.ek".'.1., A. Rundle, 3. GrOte,74."'ERL
Russell. Lord Buller, C.
Seale,hi iltiel
Col. J.
Tattered, It. W.
Talk, C. A.
Wood, A 1.
Alsager, Capt. Pettit), A. It.
Barclay, 11. Elley, Sir J.
Belfast, Earl of Fleming, J.
Berkeley, Hon. F. Forster, C. S.
Bramston, 'I'. W. Goulburn, 11.
13rueu, F.
Biller, Sir J. Y.
Clive, Iron. R. II. Hoskins, K.
Conolly, E. M. Houstoun, G.
Dalbiac, Sir C. Geary, Sir W.
Graloun, Sir J. Maxwell, II.
Law-, lion. C, E. Sanderson, B.
Lawson, A.
Lung LouLowther, Lonl Lowther, J. II. Somerset. Lord G.
NI' I aggart, J.
:tides, W.
M Morpoth. Viscount Vesey, lion. T.
Pemberton, T .
l'i ice, it . of smith, J. A.
Tennent„T. It ‘ Williams. it.
Wilmot, Sir J. E. Wilson. II.
[In neither of the above lists art the names of Sir HENRI' PARNELL, Mi. Poe LETT THOMSON, Mr. PARKER of Sheffield, or Mr. II A ST, '; of Paisley, to t be found ; although die constituencies of :ill of then? !Temkin:: are in favour or the Ballot ; and we understaud that Sir Iles ILV PA it Nr LI. and Mr. IlAsTiE were actually in the House, but shirked the division. There Were many other absentees who profess to be Liberals, and sonic of them had e sufficient excuse in illness: among these were Dr. Bow iiIM, Mr. IlenN- miN, and 311. MA ultICE O'CONNELL. Several Irish :Members deseiteel their Parliamentary duty to attend to their Magisteri:d fem.:ions; .and we suppose that Mr. Sergeant TAr.rn elm arid 31r. Ilr..tax:a•::s:: are iiii the circuit. One of the Tellers fur the " NOI'S " was Mr. Por rirtia : rww, did not that gentleman proclaim himself a Ballot-man to hi= constituents in ShaftesburYs in January 1835? We supposed that he had. The intaie of Sir JOHN HOE- HOUSE appears in the majority. Mark this, electors If Nottingham ! Sir Jost lc was limitedly a supporter of Annual Pa Ili ain ents- w ill he bow vote to repeal the Septennial Act'? Ile was once for Universal Suffrage-we shall see whether be will vote against his eolleagsrs for 1lou-chold Suffrage, beyond which he told the electors of Westminster he would go. lle tens formerly a supporter of the Ballot-on Tuesday he voted tyr:ie..t it ! 'rite political apostacy of Sir :Ions 11013110CSL bean every thing of the kind on record, except Br a Derr's.]