gbt court.
PRINCE ALBERT went by a special train to Claremont, on Saturday, to visit the Count and Countess of Neuilly—titles which the Ex-King and Queen of the French have now assumed. The Count and Countess of Neuilly came to London on Monday, by the South-western Railway; and, entering there a state carriage which awaited their 'arrival, they were driven to Buckingham Palace, to visit the Queen. The Count and Countess returned to Claremont by the ordinary half- past four o'clock train. The Dutchess of Kent visited the Count and Countess of Neuilly, at Claremont, on Sunday. The Duke and of Nemours left town for Claremont on Sunday. The Duke and DuWhess of Saxe-Coburg left England on Saturday morning.
The Dutchess Of Ken-time visited am:Mined at Bsekinaliam Palace fre-
quently this week. , .
- The Queen gavnan audience to Prince Leopold of Syr4ease on Satur- day. Lord Palmerston has had audiences.