SIR,—The highest Court of appeal in ecclesiastical cases has just ruled that when we read of sacrifice or propitiation being made for us, we are to understand that punishment is borne instead of us.
Now, let me make a suggestion. The Revision Committee of Convocation is just now discredited by certain unpleasant discus- sions. Let the Crown take the matter into its own hands; let it appoint Commissioners ; let it issue a set of instructions to them, after the pattern of those of King James, which would naturally be drawn up by the Lord Chancellor ; let it be an article of these instructions that the words ipTip (or TEpr) illSo shall in all cases be rendered "instead of us." This would bring the Bible into accordance with the judgment.
Scholars might, no doubt, object to this ; but those who uphold
the theology of the judgment will not care about scholars.—I am,