11 MARCH 1955, Page 38


1;One swallow here doesn't make a I spring either! (6).

4,Might one take this out of Midas's 2 hook? (4, 4). 3

10 'And when this we - know, 5 hro' the world we safely go' 6 (Blake) (7).

11 It looks sleepier in brief (7).

12 He might appear amid cheers (10). 7

13 Nude by the beach? (4). 8 15 Remarkable era in taxation (7). 9

17 Among whom to find the prince of

beasts (7). 14 19 1 hide in the grass alter morning (7). 16

21 Or the cost of the roads? (4-3).

23 Slaves of nicotine (4). 18

24 Bestridden by a great soldier (10).

27 A Liberal a graduate may be (3, 4). 20 28 It's a pity about the code (7). 22

29 Helped from the barrel by the sound 23 of it; only in water! (8).

30 How March 15 appeared to the 25 DOWN Rag, tag, and Una prodigiously confused (9).

10 reasoning (7).

Frees (10).

He's obviously matchless (9).

'And in the - be equal made With the poor crooked scythe and spade' (Shirley) (4).

1 down's refined opposite number (7).

Don't quite forget the smithy ! (5).

'Reader, I married him,' she an- nounced (4).

Supple? Oh my! (anag.) (10).

These followers seem to be always on the move (9).

Are they or aren't they in the matter of water? (9).

Scold in trousers? (7).

Red bill, very uncivilly presented (7).

You'll find it among the well-off rancheros (5).

He's a real nobleman (4).

It's a rum ending to 27 (4).

A copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on March 22 and addressed: Crossword 825,99 Gower Street, London, W.C.I.

• C,Itambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version,-is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on March 25 Solution to No. 823 on page HI Winners of Crossword No. 823: Miss L. M. BsisiEGEL, Hartwell, Near Northampton ; MRS. M. V. M cams JONEs. 46 Fairways Crescent, Cardiff.

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