11 MAY 1839, Page 1

The negotiations for reconstructing the French Ministry are completely at

a stand. Soria., on Tuesday, assured several mem- bers of the Chamber of Deputies, that he had no powers, and therefore was not responsible for the delay ; and the Constitutionnel of Wednesday says, " decidedly no person is charged to form a definitive Cabinet." A motion by M. MArecis for an address to the King, praying his Majesty to form an Administration without delay, was expected to produce an animated debate. The Journal des Debuts mentions, that at a meeting of the " 221," or old Minis- terialists, it was resolved not to oppose the " principle" of the address, though its wording might be objected to. There seems to be very general dissatisfaction with the King's conduct. Some of his best friends admit, that after his defeat at the elections, prudence dictated a fair and manly surrender to TRIERS. But, says the Times Paris correspondent- " Instead of following this plain line of conduct, the Ring, unable to swallow the bitter pill, sent for Marshal Sault, then the Duke de Broglie, then for M. Dupin, then for M. Guizot, in short, for anybody but the eminent man whom he ought at once to have called ; and since matters have gone on in such ft. deplorable manner, that when the King will have (as he will inevitably) to submit, it will be upon the very hard terms that M. Thiers shall have

a just right to impose upon him, now that the Royal and antipathy have been manifested against hint on so many repeated occasions."