Daslitroigl, 0. II. Hurst. R. H.
Lister, E. C.
Roche. Sir D.
Ds Dyneuurt, C. 'f. James, W. Rundle, 3.
TORY AND RADICAL MINORITY-289. Blandford, Marquis Estcourt, T. (Dcv.) Blennerhassett, A. ; Farnham, B. B.
Boldero, H. G. Formnd, R.
Bolling, W. Feilden, W.
Bradshaw, J. Fector, J. M.
Bmroston, T. W. Fellowes, E.
Broadley, H. Pittner, Sir E.
Broadwuod, 11. Fleming, J.
Brownrigg, S. Foley, E. Bruce, Lord E. Forester, lion. G.
Bruges, W. C. Fox, G. L.
Buck, L. W. Freshfleld, J. W.
Buller, Sir 5. Giuikell, J. M.
Burr.11. Glailstince, W. E.
Burrell, Sir C. Glynne. Sir S. /3urroughes, II. N. Godson, R. Calcraft, J. Gordon, Hon. Capt.
Campbell, Sir II. Gore, 0. W.
Canning, Sir S. flotilburn, H. Cantelupe, Lord Graham, Sir J. Cartwright, W. R. Granby, Marquis of Castlereagh.ViscountGrant, lion. Col. Chapman, A. Grant, F. 1%'. Christopher. R. A. Greene. T. Chute, W. L. W. Grinisditelt, T.
Clerk, Sir G. Grimston, Lord Clive, Hon. R. Grimstott, Hon. E.
Codringtun, C. W. Grote, 0.
Cole, Hun. A. Halford, II.
Cole, Viscount Hardinge, Sir II. Colquboun, J. C. IlawkeS, T. Compton. II. C. Hayes, Sir E. Couelly, E. Heatheote, Sir W. Unite, Sir C. Mileage, 0. W. Copeland, Alderman Hepburn, Sir T. Curry, Hutt. H. Herbert, Hon. S. Courtenay, P. Berries, 3. C. Creswell. C. Hill, Sir R.
Cripps, J. Hillsborough, Lord Dalrymple, Sir A. Iliude, J. H. Hamer, Hon. D. Hodgson, P. Darby, G. Hodgson, It.
Darlington, Earl of Holmes, W. A'Court Dc Horsey, S. Ilolmes, W.
Dick, Q. Hope, lion. C. IP Israeli , B. Hope, Ii. T.
Dottin, Abel II. Hope, G. W. Douglas, Sir C. liotham, Lord Dowdeswell, NV. Houldsworth, T.
Duffield, T. lion:stop, G.
Dugilale, W. S. Howard, Hon. W. Diti,har, G. Iiiighlts, NV. B. Duneumbe, T. Ilume, J.
Duncombe, Hon. W. Hurt, F. Duncombe, Hon. A. Ingestrie, Lord Dungannou, Lord Inglis, Sir R. H. Du Pre, G. Ilion, 5, East. J. B. Jackson, Sergeant Easttior, Lord James, Sir W.
Baton, R. T. Jenkins, Sir R.
Egertou, W. T. .Termyn. Earl Egerton, Sir P. Jervis, J. Egerton, Lord F. Jervis, S.
Eliot, Lord Johnstone, II.
Ellis, J. Jones, J.
Esteourt, T. (Ox. U.)Joues, W. Darlington, Earl of Holmes, W. A'Court Jones, Captain Kelly, F.
Kemble. H. Kelbume, Lord Kirk, P. Knatchbull, Sir E. Knight, H. G. Kuightley, Sir C. Knox. lion. T. Laseelles, W. S. Law, Hon. C. E. - Leader, J. T. Lefty. T.
Liddell, Hon. Ii. Lincoln. Earl of Litton, E.
Lockhart, A. M. Lung, NV. Lowther, Colonel Lowther, Loral Lowther. J. II. Lucas, E.
Lygon, General Mackenzie, T. Mackenzie, W. F. Mackinnon, NV. A. Maclean, D. Mahon, Lord Maidstone, Lord Manners, Lord C. Marston& 'f. Murton, 0. Masters, T. W. C. Mathew. 0. B. Manitsell, T. P. Maxwell, Hon. S. Meynell, Captain Miles. NV.
Miles, P. W. S. Miller, W. H. Manes, R. M. Molesworth, Sir W. Mordant. Sir .1. Morgan. C.
Neeld, Joseph Ni•eld, ban Nichol!, J.
Norreys, Lord O'Brien. W. S. O'Neill, Hon. .1. B. Ossulsten, Lund Owen, Sir J. Parke. C. W. PitkingkeL J. S. Palmer, R.
Palmer, G.
Parker, Parker, 11.T. Parker, T. A, W. Patten, 3, NV. Peel, Sir it.
Pemberton, T. Perceval, Colonel Perceval, Hon. G. Pigot, R. Plants, Right Roo Plunmtre, I. Polhill, F.
Pollen. Sir J. Ve Pollock, Sir F. Powell, Colonel Powerscourt, Lord Prised, NV,
Freed, W. T. Pringle, A. Plumy, P.
Rae, Sir W. Reid, Sir J. Richards. R. Bickford, W, Rolleston, L. Rose, Sir G. Round, C.
Round, J. Rushbrooke, Colonel St. Pail, H. Sanderson, R. Sandell, Lord Scarlett, lion. J. y, Shaw, Right Hon. F. Siteppard,T. Shirley, E. 3, Sibthorp, Colonel Sinclair, Sir G. Smith, A.
Smyth, Sir G. Somerset, Lord G. Stanley. E. Stanley, Lord Stewart, J. Stormont,Lord Shirt, H. (l. Teigninunth, Lord Tennent, J. E. filmes, Colonel Thompson, Alderman Trench, Slr F. Turner, William Tyrrell, Sir J. Vere, Sir C. Verner, Colonel Vernon, G. H. Villiers, Lord Vivian, J. E. Waddington, Ii. S. Wakley, T. Walsh, Sir T. Welby, G. E. Wilbraham. lion. B. Williams, R. Williams, T. P. NVodehouse, E. Wood, Colonel T. Wood, T. Wyndham, W. Yurke, lion. E. T. Yong, T,
Young. Sir W.
Baring, H. Fremautle.Sir T.
The Liberals who voted against the Government were-
Daucombe, T, Leader, J. T.
Grote, G, Mulesworth, Sir IV.
Hume, J. O'Brien, W. S.
Jervis, S. Turner, W.
Jervis, J. Wetkley,
The Tories who voted with the Government were-
Gibson, '1'. M. Tollemache, F.
Ingham. R. Wall, C. B.
Noel, W.
The Absent Liberals were-
. Brabazon Sir W.
'Hewitt, It.
Retaile:. Lord Vi', (abroad) Bernal, It.
Fielden, d .
Gillen, W. I).
Gresvenor. Lord R.
The Absent Tories were-
Ashley. 11. Goddard, A.
Harcourt, G. V.
Twenty-four Members " paired "- Fur the Bill.
Acheson. Lord
Barron, H. W.
Blake, U. S.
Buslield, NV.
Culquboun, Sir J.
Conytighain, Lord A.
Crawley, S.
Duncan, Lord Gering, II. D.
Heron., Sir R.
Lambkin, H.
Marsland, H.
Pendarves, E. W.
Poutionby, Hon. C. Price, Sir R.
Shelley, It A. ScruPe, Pouted Talbot, J. H.
Thomson, Right Hon. C.
Wallace R.
Walker, C.
'White, Luke White, II.
Wilmot, Sir E. SUMMARY.
For the Bill (Tellers included) Pairs Against the Bill (Tellers included) Pairs Absent Liberals Absent Tories Speaker Vacant, Tyrone and Carlow Heatheote, Sir G. Johnson, General Langtott, Gore Martin, 'I'.
White, S.
Williams, W. Wyse, T.
Irving, 7. Ker, D.
Moneypenny, Captain Against the Bill. Henniker, Lord Wynne, Right Hun. C. Thornhill, G. Bowles, Rushout Trevor, Rice Price, Richard Follett, Sir NV. Douro, Lord Clive, Lord Fitzroy, Ii. Burdett, Sir F. Sugden, Sir E. Blakemore, It. Hale, R.
Hogg, J. W. Gore, 0.
Davenport, J. Spry, Sir S. Wynne, Sir W. Harcourt. G. (Bucks) Crewe, Sir G. Whitmore, T. Cooper, E. J. Kerristm, Sir E.
296 24 320 291 24 14 6 1 2 658