Wart-ovnex, May 10.-6th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Capt, J. R. Lmyth, from half. ray unattached, to be Capt. vice 11. P. Browne, who exchanges. 2d Drags.-Lieut. Lord W. F. A. M. Hill, from the 43d Rout. to be Lieut. vice J.Gilliee, who retires on half-pay unattached; Comet G.T. Jacob, from halipay 3d Drag.Guards, to be Cornet without purchase; F. Philips, Gent. ((tiding Master), to ho Cornet by purchase, vice Jacob, who retires. 8th Light Drags.-Lieut. C. J. Longmore, from the 47th Foot, to be Llent vice G. J. Vernon. who exchanges. 13th Light Drags.-C met C. C. Shute, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Cameron, whose promotion, by purchase, has been cancelled. 14th Light Drags.-Start-Assist: Sung. T, Bisect, M.D. to be Acsist.. Surg. vice Hibbert. dec. Coldstream Foot Guards-C. II. Ellice, Esq. Page of Ho- nour to the Queen, to be Ensign and Limit without purchase. 1st Foot-Ensign F.L. Whitmore to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Jardine. who retires; C. E. Poole, Gent. to tic Ensign by purchase, vice Whitmore. 93d Foot-Lieut. W. R !terries, front half. pay muittitelul, to be Limit vice Lord W. Hill, appointed to the 2d Drags. 47th Foot-Lient. D. J. Vernon, from the 8th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Longmore, who exchanges. 524 Foot-LieuC•Col. R. Murray. from the hulf-pay of the Cold- stream Foot Guards. to be Lieut.-Col, vice J. Fergusson, alto exchanges; Major W. Blois, to be Lieut.-Col. Icy purchase, vice Murray, who retires ; Capt. It French to be Major by purchase. vice Blois; Lieut. the Hon. li. Le Peer Trench to he Capt. by purchase, vice French; Ensign C. A Denison tube Lieut. by purchase, vice Trench. 58th Foot-Capt. F. J. T. Hutchinson. tram the 74th Foot. to be Capt. vine I. Foster, who retires on 'half-pay unattached. 68th Foot-Capt. D. Bulkley, from halipay un- attached, to be Paymaster, vice Hilliard, retired on half-pay. 74th Foot-Capt. R. R. Houghton, from halt-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice Hutchinson. appointed to the 58th Foot. 77th Foot-E. IL L. Crofton, Gent. to be. Ensign, by purchase, vice Mer- ritt, promoted. 79th Foot-Major R. P. Gilbert, from lialipay unattached, to be Ma:or, vice .1. C. Yung, who exchanges; Cept. the lion. L. Motile to be Major, by purchase, vice Gilbert, who retires; I7ieut. J. Douglas to be Capt. by purchase, vice Manic ; Ensign P. L. M' Dougitll to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Dougfas; T. J. Reeve, Geut. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice M•Dougall ; Lieut. 3. Fergusou to be Adjutant. 31" Douglas, promoted. 84th Foie-Ensign C. F. Seymour to he Adjutant, vice Bridge, who resigns the Ad etantey only.
Hospital Staff-W. Sall, Gent. to be Assist.-Stoff.Surgeon, vice Bisset, appointed to the 1511 Light Drags. Unattached-Lieut. M. Lloyd, from the 2d Drags. to be Capt. without purchase. Brevet-Capt. R. It. Houghton, of the 74th Foot, to be Motor in the Army. Memorandum-The moues of the Lieut.-Cul. of the 7th Drag. Guards are Alexander Kennedy Clark Kennedy, and these of his sou, a Lieut. in the same Corps, are John Clark Kennedy.
OFFICE OF OaDNANCE, May 7.-Royal Artillery-Second Capt. C. W. Wingfield to be Adt. vice Kendall, who resigns the Adjetautcy only.